1. 88DB
  2. 攝影及影音
  3. 攝影及影音優惠

specializing in graduation photography, family photography,panoramic and event photography

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-10-31 刊登者: Sense Production

About Us

Graduation.com.hk is a division of Sense Production which has been operating in excess of 18 years. In additional to being specialists in Graduation Photography, our Sense Production Families division offers best service and photographic product for all graduates and their families.

Our the previous years, we have taken over million graduation portraits. So what makes us HK's most popular photographer with universities, college, graduates and their families?

Our graduation photography services delighted everyone not only because of our professional photography skill, that is because of our wholehearted servicing attitude. Besides of this, we earned a chance of co-operation with a famous Australia Graduation Studio to take graduation photo for Curtin University & Charles Sturt University in Hong Kong. This new trial extended our services from local University to foreign University. Moreover, we aimed to be the best and the most popular provider of graduation photography.

Now, we have co-operate with following local university & college:
The University of Hong Kong (2003-NOW)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2004-NOW, exclude 2008)
The Open University of Hong Kong (2004-NOW)
City University of Hong Kong (2009-NOW)
Hong Kong Shue Yan University (2009-2010)
St. Stephen's College (2004-2010)

Our Service

High standards and strong company value have molded and cultivated Sense Production into a hightly respected portraits & event photography firm specializing in graduation photography, family photography, formal group photography, panoramic and event photography.

Over the preious years, we have been passionate about helping people remember the most important moments of their lives. As our goal is to provide our graduating students with photographs that they can be proud to display and that will serve to remind them of their most important achievenments in life.

Our professional consistently approaches to detail results in the delivery of high-quality photographs with fast turnaround. All students trust us to photograph their graduates because we remain committed to specialize in graduation & event photography. We have a variety of graduation package to choose.

We also offer many different print size and classic frames. All colour prints are presented in plain mount and printed in sliver foil with the name of the University. To insure that your colour prints last a lifetime we exclusively use Fuji chemicals & paper.

Now, we also provide many set of Academic Gowns in our studio, including:
The University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Open University of Hong Kong
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Curtin University of Technology

Please make appointment today!

Phone (852) 2838-8544 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.


In order to provide more high-qualities service or the prodduct for us, welcome each kind of form the cooperation plan, if wants to inquire or the discussion cooperation details, please contact at (852) 28388544 or e-mail to: [email protected]

Graduation.com.hk 多年致力提供明碼實價、信心保證及優質 畢業相服務給所有應屆畢業生及家庭,因此得到多間大專院校對本公司100%信賴及信任。我們的價格不算最貴,當然也不算便宜,在合理的價格下,我們一直想 提供價格最高的優惠給顧客,可是成本及質量與價格是成正比的。

2010年我們參與了香港特別行政區政府知識產權署的知識資本報告 (Intellectual Capital report) , 透過知識資本管理,對內能助Sense Production更了解本身擁有的知識及專門寶庫,掌握潛能發揮出來;對外能增加透明度,向客戶、供應商、員工及其他持份者展示潛力,建立正面的企業 形象,長遠有利業務發展。Sense Production 相信知識的廣闊,關鍵在於我們如何尋找、應用、妥善管理和保存這些知識。我們相信每個人有不同的性格、強項,這些智慧形成公司獨有的文化都是無形資產和價 值。Sense Production 必將人的智慧以至公司屹立18年的知識資本加入其策略發展藍圖,繼續積極提升公司價值及生產力。我們相信人的智慧和知識是重要的無形資本和價值,企業文化 與傳統習俗應與集團成員分享。我們希望透過此報告書展示Sense Production在多個項目的卓越能力。如了解我們的知識資本報告 請在此下載刊物

Contact Us

For Further information or comments, please contact us.

 Address :7/F, Glory Industrial Building, 22 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.
 Tel :(852) 2838-8544
 Fax :(852) 2838-8549
 Email : [email protected]


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