本人的貓隻於2月3日 (年初一) 約早上六時失蹤,如有發現其行蹤請盡快致電告知,本人極為擔心,牠有先天性心臟病!如有拾獲懇請盡快退還給本人。本人願以貓隻的同等價錢HK$4000作為報酬。此貓對本人極為重要,如同親兒一樣,希望有心人的幫忙。善有善報,衷心感謝!!At around 6:00 am on February 3, 2011 (Thursday), my cat (Gucci) was disappeared. As he has innate heart disease, I am really worrying about his health and safety. If you have seen him or know anyone has seen him, please let me know ASAP. Also, if you have found him, I am willing to offer the same amount of my cat’s price, HK$4,000.00, as reward. Since I treat Gucci as my own child, I hope you understand my worry and I really hope you can help me out! Thanks in advance and hope to hear the good news very soon.遺失地點 : 加寧街華高大廈Lost Location: Florida Mansion, Cleveland St.小貓名字 Name:Gucci品種 Breed : 英國短毛 British Shorthair性別 Sex : 男(已絕育) Male (Neutered)顏色 Colour : 灰、白、黑 (虎紋) Silver Tabby重量 Weight : 3.2 KG 如有尋獲,請即致電9308 7588(李小姐Carmen) / 6220 0342(Henry)酬勞 Bonus $4000