忘不了寵物善終服務中心於2005年創辦,以愛惜寵物、有始有終為宗旨,給予所有寵物一個完善的善終服務,一九九九年之前,前市政總署在香港堅尼地城屠場設置焚化爐,為寵物飼養者提供寵物焚化服務。但自一九九九年十月一日堅尼地城屠場關閉後,有關的服務已經停止, 寵物遺體均得不到合適的處理。寵物主人只好忍痛將其愛寵拋棄在堆填區, 難道他們忍心將愛寵當垃圾拋棄? 有見及此,忘不了寵物善終服務中心開設了私人獨立火化服務,自設焚化爐為寵物遺體進行火化,更可透過遙距網上探訪。 這個先進的嶄新服務是本中心的一大特色。 Don't Forget Pet's Cremation Centre Ltd was set up on 2005. Our aim is to bring love and keep company to the end with the pets, give the pet's owner a perfect cremation service to your beloved pets. Before 1999, the former Urban Services Department set incineration plants at Hong Kong Kennedy Town Abattoir, giving a place for pet's owner to have the cremation service. However, since the Kennedy Town Abattoir closed on 1st October 1999, all the cremation service had been terminated. Many pet's remains got improper handling. Pet's owner got no choice but throw the beloved pets to the landfills site. Will you be pleased to treat your beloved pets as rubbish? Don't Forget Pet's Cremation Centre Ltd builds up an independent cremation service, with our own cremation system, you can even online visit our centre at anytime anywhere, this is our brand-new and unique service for the pet's owner.
Pet's Remain Delivery
We provide professional pet's cremation service, the pet's remain will get the most proper handling. We have 24-hour service. When we get the call, we will arrive at about one an hour to on-site pick-up the remains, and put it back to our center's freezer. Special arrangement for client at outlying island, surcharge depends on special route.
寵物焚化 Pet's Cremation
慈善優惠 Charity Discount 本著: ~愛惜寵物、有始有終~ 的宗旨 任何有關寵物的慈善機構,如想使用任何本中心服務,本中心只會收取成本價格,詳情可致電本中心職員查詢。
火化過程 Cremation Procedure
When the date and time has been set, we may arrange client to overlook the whole cremation process, the cremation time will take around one and a half hours to three hours, according to the pet's size. After cremation, the pet's remain will change to ashes.
We provide relaxing pet's columbarium and it has convenient traffic. Client can through our CCTV Visiting Service, at anytime anywhere, through broadband to go to our columbarium to visit your beloved pets.
Urns Order
左-DF: 0017A ($520.00) 中-DF: 0017B ($520.00) 右-DF: 0017C ($520.00) |
左-DF: 0016A ($250.00) 中-DF: 0016B ($250.00) 右-DF: 0016C ($250.00) |
DF: 0002 ($50.00 /1個) |
DF: 0001 ($50.00 /1個) |
DF: 0012 ($60.00) |
DF: 0014 ($230.00) |
DF: 0006 ($150.00) |
DF: 0007 ($500.00) |
DF: 0004 ($70.00) |
DF: 0005 ($80.00) |
DF: 0002C ($50.00) |
DF: 0003 ($50.00) |
DF: 0002A ($50.00) |
DF: 0002B ($50.00) |
DF: 0001A ($50.00) |
DF: 0001B ($50.00) |
SP: 0011 ($480.00)(限量) |
SP: 0012 ($430.00)(限量) |
SP: 0013 ($290.00)(限量) |
Special Urns
(以下須訂做 $1,880.00起)
DNA Necklace
Farewell Online, Cremation VCD
In order to fulfill our service promise, if client cannot come to the cremation in person, client may through our CCTV system to see the whole cremation process. Client can choose to download the process online, or through VCD, DVD to know the pet's cremation process.