[ About Us ] Established in 1975, we have always made it our goal to provide the best services and products to our customers. We have a wide range of products which includes plastic and fabric artifi
AACRO Merchandise Company

May Garden Decoration Silk Flower Arrangement Fty. - Catalogue High quality Artificial Flowers with competitive price. Contact us: Tel: (852) 2432 7052 Fax: (852) 2432 7063 e-mail: [email protected]
MMay Garden Artificial Flowers

Who are we? We are an expert exporter of polyester artificial flower with over twenty-five years of experiences in the field of the artificial flowers. Multifield exports full range of the products,
Multifield Industrial Co

華采插花用品批發中心 於 1987 年成立,至今已廿載,國內自設加工廠房,專營花材零售及批發、人造植物、花果及樹等,亦提供各類工程用料,適合商場、大廈佈置、婚禮喜慶場地佈置及專業插花等。 「優質與時尚並重」是我們對消費者的承諾, 華采 每一件商品,無不體現了這一原則,竭盡全力為客戶提供方便的服務,滿足客戶的要求。 歡迎親臨本公司選購、訂造及批發。 除了提供人造植物、花果及樹,本中心亦批發各類工程
FFloral Supplies

Products Polyester artificial flowers Who are we? We are an expert exporter of polyester artificial flower with over twenty-five years of experiences in the field of the artificial flowers. Multifiel
Multifield Industrial Co

本店致力為客戶提供優質的人造花卉用品,如對我們之產品有興趣,歡迎致電查詢﹗ 本店為客人提供多款人造植物、花果及樹,仿真度高,加上專業的插花技術,令每一個角落增添姿采。 各款花束 華采插花用品批發中心 地址:香港英皇道 121 號七海商業中心 1 樓 122 室 電話: 2510 9707 傳真: 2887 6509 聯絡人︰ 馮先生 網址︰ www.floralsupplies.biz.com.
FFloral Supplies

Grand Ocean(H.K.)Limited Our products include the following catagories:- *Artificial Flowers *Artificial Foliages, Plants & Trees *Christmas Decorating items *P. V. C. Christmas Trees *Christmas
GGrand Ocean Ltd

HK$1,000.00 HK$380.00 HK$1,000.00 HK$450.00 HK$300.00 HK$350.00 HK$250.00 HK$500.00 HK$450.00 HK$455.00 HK$700.00 HK$600.00 HK$580.00 HK$580.00 HK$380.00 HK$280.00 HK$350.00 HK$480.00 HK$480.00 HK$40
MMei Lee Flower Shop

M EI L EE F LOWER S HOP 是一間有十多年經驗的專業花店,累積了多年花藝經驗,為顧客提供全面的花藝服務,品質有所保證。我們 以優質服務及貨品為經營宗旨,取價公道,務求為顧客提供物超所值的服務。 花雖然是一件商品,但我們總是以做藝術的精神來完成每一件作品,正如我們的網站,從作品選材、設計、拍照到網頁設計,絕不假手於人,企圖呈現我們最真實的一面給大家,使送禮或收禮人增添喜悅。 我
MMei Lee Flower Shop

Grand Ocean (H.K.)Limited We are a prominent exporter/manufacturer of decorating items in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China for more than 22 years. Our products include the following catagories:- *Artif
GGrand Ocean Ltd

Birthday, New Born, Anniversary, Thank You, Get Well, Festive Seasons Express Love, Birthday, Get Well, Anniversary, Thank You, Sorry All Wedding Occasions Grand Openings, Exhibitions, Removals, Conf

花意 全日制學生 自取 價 :HK$208,請帶同學生證明 到本店付現金。多人同時下單,每束再減 HK$18。優惠期至 1月31日 鰂魚涌 萬利廣場 67 號舖
FFloral Ideas

歡欣之歌 HK$880 豐盛人生 HK$1500 99 朵繽紛玫瑰 HK$1299 99 朵玫瑰 HK$2888 戀歌 HK$500 鮮花加巧巧 HK$860 全因為您 HK$550 慈母頌 HK$780 大快朵頤 HK$380 兒童世界 HK$330 跳舞樂園 HK$395 跳躍賓尼 HK$195 若要訂購產品,只須填妥表格並隨時傳送回我們公司,或將之列印出來並傳真至 (852)2861145
AAmbassador Flowers & Gifts Design

Blooms n' Baskets,為您盡心盡意、傳情達意 新出生兒童禮品 花朿 心意籃 花 / 生果 / 禮品籃 開張花籃 Please visit our website www.bloomsnbaskets.com for more info, or call us at 852-28385207
BBlooms N' Baskets

鮮花擺設 公司月花擺設,以不同的花材,由細盆至大盆,設有A.B.C.D.E.項提供選擇, 有專人定期上門更換,每次更換不同的鮮花擺設,也可以因應貴公司要求設計特定款式。 每月1盆 每月4盆 每月8盆 A. $200/@ $100/@ $75/@ B. $250/@ $150/@ $100/@ C. $300/@ $200/@ $150/@ D. $400/@ $300/@ $250/@ E. $

Opening Bouquet Funeral Hamper Flower Basket Orchid

情人節花束訂購,各類花 均由 $580起 ,詳情可到以下參觀︰ http://fotop.net/opheliacph 凡訂購情人節花束 ,均送情人節咭一張,送完即止。 情人節花束訂購,截單日期︰ 12-2-2008 (23:00p.m.) email: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel: 60767427 Ophel

F1 F5 F9 F2 F6 F10 F3 F7 F11 F4 F8 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 香港 九龍 長沙灣道 883號 億利中心 813-814室 Unit 13-14, 8th FL., Elite Ind. Ctr., 883 Cheung Sha Wan Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2786-5688 Fax
CCosmos Gain Trading Ltd

About Us HONG KONG SHOW ROOM : We had a well decorated show room in Hong Kong office, it distribute more than three thousands different kinds of update-to-date products. CHINA FACTORY : We manage ove

About Us HONG KONG SHOW ROOM : We had a well decorated show room in Hong Kong office, it distribute more than three thousands different kinds of update-to-date products. CHINA FACTORY : We manage ove
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