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D2 Amazing Zone @ D2 Place 八間主題式探險房間

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: magzila

D2 Amazing Zone @ D2 Place – 資料發佈 (20141025)


現在不用到外國、日本或韓國、不用消費也可以享用專業的的背景或場景拍照了。Amazing Zone內有歷遊仙境的感覺、迷失錯亂的方向、轉到頭昏暈眩的視覺效果、充滿科幻的角落、可愛的小動物、萬聖節的氣氛、還有恐佈的主題等等。費用全免,歡迎一家大小來臨參予及感受熾熱的氣氛吧。不用消費也可致身於不同的場境內拍照,是一個必到之選。




活動日期由2014年10月22日開始至到12月7日,當中每日的上午十一時至下午的九時於D2 Place的二樓均會免費開放予大眾參加,全面刺激你的視覺神經,定必會為大家帶來無盡的歡樂。八間主題式探險房間分別為 (1) D2 Wonderland 奇幻世界、(2) Tricky Room 古惑房間、(3) Disorientation Path 迷途、(4) Haunted Forest 詭魅森林、(5) Fashion Panda 熊貓天地、(6) Amazing Pumpkin Maze 奇幻南瓜陣、(7) Blurred Bugs House 迷離昆蟲屋及(8) Giant Book Castle 巨書城。八間房間分別代表了不同主題,繽紛有趣,能夠滿足喜愛驚嚇而帶有濃濃神秘感的你!活動期內,大會更特設禮物換領的環節,顧客只需在商場以電子消費滿指定的金額即可換領。當中部分禮物更購自世界自然基金會,齊齊為保育出一分力!


有關D2 Place


D2 Place - 全新活化蒲點現位於荔枝角, 港鐵荔枝角站D2 exit上蓋, 集合寫字樓, 商場, 飲食, 家居店, 並設10 萬呎潮流時裝平台, 及超過7, 000呎空中花園作多用途.


本活動由麥士拿有限公司協助提供,如需索取更多以上活動資料或圖片,請聯絡助理項目經理 Tracy Chan (9327 4962 / [email protected]) 或項目主任Alex Yeung (9492 8222 / [email protected])。


D2 Amazing Zone @ D2 Place – Press Release (25th Oct, 2014)


Now it is not necessary to go overseas, Japan or South Korea; to enjoy a professional scene picture. D2 Amazing Zone @ D2 Place is a Zone with fantasy wonderland forest, dizziness visual effects, corner full of sci-fi, cute little animals, Halloween atmosphere, as well as horrifying themes and so on. All amazing setups are FREE to explore, D2 welcome visitors to participate in Amazing Zone adventure and explore every single corner of our zone. There are absolutely no entries fee and welcome anyone to come to different scene setups with your camera to take your amazing photos.


8 Themed rooms with adventures

Opening date of themed room begins from October 22 to December 7, 2014; with opening daily hours from 11 am to 9 pm.  Amazing Zone located in the second floor of D2 Place, which is open to the public with no admission free.  Welcome to participate at any time to fully stimulate your four senses, it will certainly bring you endless joy. Eight themed rooms are named as (Room 1) D2 Wonderland 奇幻世界, (Room 2) Tricky Room 古惑房間, (Room 3) Disorientation Path 迷途, (Room 4) Haunted Forest 詭魅森林, (Room 5) Fashion Panda 熊貓天地, (Room 6) Amazing Pumpkin Maze 奇幻南瓜陣, (Room 7) Blurred Bugs House 迷離昆蟲屋 and (Room 8) Giant Book Castle 巨書城. Eight rooms representing different themes and gimmick, which carries mysterious, fun, frighten, confused and horror feelings! During the opening dates of Amazing Zone, there is also gifts redemption activity.  With purchasing by cash or electronic transactions to a certain amount, the redemption gifts will be on your hand. Some of those gifts are from the WWF Hong Kong, let's participate and take parts in this environmental friendly world.


About D2 Place

D2 Place, a new revitalising shopping spot in Lai Chi Kok, the location is highly convenient which is nearby MTR Lai Chi Kok station D2 exit.


The event is conducted by Magzila Limited on behalf of the organizer. For more information, please contact Ms. Tracy Chan (Mobile: 93274962 / Email: [email protected]) or Mr. Alex Yeung (Mobile: 9492 8222 / Email: [email protected]).

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