1. 88DB
  2. 表演藝術
  3. 場地佈置及出租

[荃灣] 提供舞蹈, 體操,武術, 活動場地,studio, 運動場地租用, (有海綿氈/沙包/拳靶/威也)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-20 刊登者: trickstation

一個8米 X 6米,設有體操地板。
另一個7米 X 4.5米,設有膠墊,鏡。

The studio offers 2 training areas. An 8m x 6m sprung floor and a 7m x 4.5m padded floor with mirrors. The sprung floor is perfect for practicing gymnastics movements and working new tricks, while the mirrored space is ideal for working on forms and choreography.


The studio has an over 14 feet high ceiling, equipped with crash mats, padded foam shapes, and spring boards, so you can practice some of the most difficult tricks on Earth under a safe controlled environment.

Other facilities the studio offers include a sound system, TV monitor, spot lights and dumb bells, suitable for all types of activities. Please feel free to contact us on hiring out the studio for your own training and classes.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性