1. 88DB
  2. 表演藝術
  3. 場地佈置及出租

Initial Dance 起舞 – 太古區大型跳舞場,3,500呎提供大小不同排舞室 / 排練室/ 鏡房 / 活動室租場,適合跳舞,瑜珈,太極,開會,展銷會,舞台劇彩排,交通方便,鄰近鰂魚涌地鐵站

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-02-25 刊登者: Initial Dance Studio
Initial Dance <起舞> 大型跳舞中心全新裝修,位於太古區的心臟地帶、一座擁有全新裝修的大堂及妥善管理的大廈內,交通四通八達,距離鰂魚涌地鐵只須5分鐘步行時間。  本中心佔地3,500平方尺,內有四間大小不同的多用途活動室,由250平方尺到1,200平方尺不等,並設有兩間更衣室,兩個洗手間及兩個淋浴室,適合用作排舞、舞蹈授課、瑜伽授課、話劇採排、音樂工作坊、音樂劇劇場、大型派對、私人派對、生日會、跳舞派對、主題派對、私人表演, 跳舞表演以及 魔術表演...等派對party、商務會議、討論會、興趣班等;場地租用富彈性。1,200 平方尺的大型跳舞場,有足夠空間可容納100人跳舞,可供熱愛跳舞的朋友,隨時隨地練舞之用。




娛樂節目安排包括不同種類的跳舞表演(肚皮舞, 踢踏舞, 拉丁舞, 社交舞以及街舞), 魔術表演以及戲劇表演.  我們提供派對計劃服務包括食物及飲品安排, 邀請卡設計, 簽名海報設計, 派對裝飾設計, 派對流程, 影相及錄影服務以及娛樂節目的安排.


Initial Dance 起舞
tel. : 3153 2197   cell: 6699 2730, 6699 2739
fax : 3905 8415
e-mail : [email protected]
web site : www.initialdance.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=54277972932

Initial Dance Co. Ltd. is a spacious newly renovated dance studio located in the heart of Taikoo Shing.  Within a 5-minute walking distance from Quarry Bay MTR station, the building itself underwent a recent makeover and is under superior management.

Initial Dance studio offers 3,500 square feet of space in our four multi-function rooms, ranging from 250 to 1,200 square feet.  In addition, we have two change rooms, two bathrooms and two shower rooms.  Our studio is a perfect place for private party, birthday party, dance party, theme party, private show, dance show and magic show...etc.  We are flexible in making the right arrangement for you.

The main dance studio, with 1,200 square feet of space, can be able to fit more than 100 people and there is still enough open space for each to dance.  

Initial Dance studio provides party and event planning services such as food and beverages arrangement, invitation card design, sign in poster design, party decoration design, party/event scheduling, photo and video services and entertainment.

Entertainment arrangement such as different types of dance show (belly dance, tap dance, latin dance, ballroom dance and hip hop dance), magic show and drama.

Our studio is flexible to meet your needs.  Space is available for weekdays and weekends as well as public holidays.  We are here to satisfy all your needs.   Let's have fun together!!! 
Initial Dance Studio 
address : unit 4, 17/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
tel. : 3153 2197   cell: 6699 2730, 6699 2739
fax : 3905 8415
e-mail : [email protected]
web site : www.initialdance.com
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性