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provide the rental service of P.A. system and musical instruments

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-06-08 刊登者: 雅樂音樂制作

 Arrow Production, production house that provide the rental service of P.A. system and musical instruments also arrange different function and variety show, has been established since 1987. At the beginning, the company had not yet well developed and it had a few equipment only. However, in that following five-year, it became expanded and started to purchase more sound-equipment and musical instrument.

On the other hands, Arrow Production has changed its character from a middle-man to an individual company. In the very beginning, it acted as a middle-man to distribute different function to those suitable company. But now, it is really different. Arrow Production has its own warehouse and a large number of P.A. equipment and musical instruments are stored. Arrow Production now provide a confident. It is believed that a confident and well arranged service can be provided.

Service Area

As described before, Arrow Production provide the rental service of P.A. system and instrument for carnival, company's and product's promotion and even a speech.

In the mean while, Arrow Production also hold different function e.g. Social Dance's Night and variety show for different companies' annual dinners and special events. While operating these kinds of show, we provide all parts of entertainment thoroughly. Beside the rental service, we also invite musicians and artists as special.

Arrangement is an important service of our production house. After considering what hinds of functions or shows will be held, we can plan and arrange what you need thoroughly. We would be grateful if we can provide a considerable proposal of those required functions and we spend our whole effort to achieve them fulfill what you want and need.


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