葵涌葵福路 85-89 號晉昇工業大廈 1 座 18 字樓 23室

Stages Production Specialists Inc. is a full-service production solutions company that specializes in event management and integrated communication services. Working with many of the country's p
SStages Production Specialists Inc.

Event Organiser and Entertainment Provider Anevent would not be comple te without the right kind of entertainment. We provide a wide selection of the best local and international performances for you
MMiss Wong

We offer professional arts marketing services, including concept consultation, promotional materials write up, event management, artist arrangement, media relations and booking etc. Please email rw@u

I am experienced in event marketing from conceptualization, planning, management to implementation of product launch, press conference, fashion show, roadshow and NGO event. On the other hand, I am w
AAnd Lam

【生日派對】 生日會與別不同?想不再為設計節目頭痛?一定要找 Gary 相量! 氣氛強人 Gary Charm ,必會令壽星仔成為宴會焦點。 Gary 也不會忘記,在小朋友 Party 中,最要讚揚的,其實是 默默為孩子費心盡力的父母 !

優惠租車 -適合公司, 團體 活動接載 三菱 29 座 真皮座位巴士 豐田 28 座 巴士 豐田 24 座 巴士 取價公道 所有費用已包括車租 , 車長和燃料 . 但不包括隧道費 , 泊車費及橋費 . 用車地區無分遠近 , 絕不額外收費 . 如欲查詢 , 看照片 , 或看車 請電郵 [email protected] 或電 6077 8884 聯絡 曾先生 .
HHK Transit
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