2 PLUS 1 PRODUCTIONS LIMITED的專業燈光工程憑著多年來累積 的豐富專業知識及不斷引進的頂尖科技,提供一應俱全的音響及燈 光 ,並承辦一切系統安裝工程。過去多年來承辦了不少的音樂會及 綜合表演活動,規模大小兼備,形式變化多端,2PLUS1 的專業人才 無不全力以赴,提供最優質的服務。從系統設計、安裝以至設備及產 品供應,我們都能夠令環境與資源有完善的配合,發揮最高的效益。
2 Plus1 Productions Ltd (2p1) , established since 2000 in Hong Kong, is a full service Design & Production Company specializing in sound system & intelligent lighting technology.
2p1 is renowned for its innovative turnkey designs & operation for trade shows, conventions, motion picture & video productions, concert & specials evens, as well as theatre & entertainment complex installation.
2p1致力為您創製聲、色、藝俱全的節目。除了營造精彩的音響、燈 光及舞台效果,2p1還會從概念到實踐,逐一為您構思及安排。我們 的專業設計及工程人員會以無限創意,加上先進的電腦輔助設計系 統,為您製作出一個又一個夢想中令人難忘的場面。
2p1’s scope of business can be generally divided into the following 5 categories:
1) Lighting & Special Effects design and consultation.
2) Lighting & related equipment rental, installation, & programming.
3) Lighting & related equipment sales.
4) Sound System & related equipment design & operation.
5) Sound System & related equipment rental & installation.
多年來,2p1承辦了各類不同項目,包括大型節目(如「香港回歸慶典」的公開表 演)及大小規模的展覽、私人宴會、派對等。
1) Fred Chan Ho Yee
Project Role: Project Manager
Background: Fred is the Technical Director of 2 Plus 1 Production Ltd,
He used to work for both TVB and ATV as the sr. Lighting man for more than
18 years.
Fred’s work includes light design & operation on a number of香港小姐 Miss
Hong Kong and 亞洲小姐Miss Asia Pageant.
Fred was also in charge of the design, installation, and management of all
major studios at ATV.
Contact : (852)92069710
Email : [email protected]
2) Lau Siu Kwong
Project Role: Chief Engineer
Background: Kwong is the Production Manager and Engineer in chief of 2
Plus 1 Productions Ltd.
Kwong has 15 years experience in TV & Motion Picture Lighting and
mechanical equipment design and installation.
Contact : (852)92500271
Email : [email protected]