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procure the latest released karaoke songs in legal and efficient way

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: K-Net Music Entertainment Limited

 K-Net Music Entertainment Limited has been appointed by individual major record companies to act on its behalf as a distributor and monitor for its new and present releases of karaoke videos digitally duplicated onto network server, computer hard discs or to other forms of storage media located within karaoke outlets for commercial purposes. It is our aim to help karaoke establishments in both Hong Kong and Macau to procure the latest released karaoke songs in both a legal and efficient way. For those karaoke operators moving with us, they will definitely benefit with an edge over the other operators that resort to pirate copies of karaoke videos and operate their karaoke outlets illegally.
  • To distribute the first-release and present releases of karaoke videos to karaoke establishments in a legal, cost effective and timely way.
  • To monitor the approved digital reproduction of the locally published karaoke videos that are released from the participating record companies.
  • To encourage the public to respect intellectual properties right and to help fighting against illegal copying as well as sharing of copyrighted karaoke videos.
  • To help protecting the participating record companies' revenue in the area of copying and sharing of copyrighted karaoke videos such that they are in a better financial position to stimulate further product development in the music industry.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性