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女鋼琴私人導師 LTCL演奏級資格 教授各級鋼琴及樂理 可上門

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-11-05 刊登者: Jean
    LELELLLLLLL 880B.com.hk  Piano,Musical instrument,Pianist,Musician,Musical instrument accessory
    Trinity College London un is awarded Level 6 Licentiate Diploma in Recital in Piano WITH DISTINCTION Hong Xong April 2011 Sarah Kemp Chief Executive, Trinity College London Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG Candidate number certificate issue date: 1 1 /07/2。 NQF accreditation number: 500 3S45 TRINITY TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON GUILDHALL Tonity Quildhal aminalions are ofred by Trinity Colege London, Accredited n England, wales and №rtem wand   Text,Academic certificate,Diploma




~倫敦聖三一音樂學院LTCL(Licentiate)高級音樂演奏執業文憑(鋼琴獨奏) (with Distinction)


~英國皇家音樂學院8級鋼琴証書(with Merit)

~英國皇家音樂學院8級樂理証書(with Merit)


Trinity College London Fung is awarded Level 6 Licentiate Diploma in Recital in Piano WITH DISTINCTION Hong Kong April 2011 Sarah Kemp Chief Executive, Trinity College London Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG Candidate number: 11/07/2011 Certificate issue date: NOF accreditation number. 500/3845 X TRINITY TRINITY GUILDHALL Ofqual cea yuth Cn C Wn Ay Gne COLLEGE LONDON Rewanding Loeming Accredited in England, Wales and Northem Ireland Trinity Guildhal examinations are offered by Trinity Colege London the intemational examinations board,Text,Academic certificate,Diploma

TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON Fung having satisfied the requirements of the syllabus is hereby awarded Level 4 Associate Diploma in Recital in Solo Piano Hong Kong December 200s The Seal of Trinity College Lendon TRINIT The Lord Geddes Chairman, Trinity College London Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG Trinity College London Candidate number: Cea 04/2009 ertificate issue date: Qualfications and Curriculum Authority QCA ewar neg NOF accreditation number: 100/2743/9 Accredited in England, Wales and Northers treland  LONDO,Text,Academic certificate,




。學生在過去的皇家音樂學院考試及校際音樂節公開比賽中均獲得DistinctionMerit成績 (以下是本人部份學生在鋼琴、樂理考試及音樂比賽的成績以供參考)





。 家住九龍灣(九龍灣地鐡站5分鐘步行距離),亦可上門教授 (同區或跨區亦可)


。 可以全粵語或英語授課



查詢請致電或whatsapp至:90557099 (Miss Fung)

或電郵到  [email protected]


Fung started her piano learning at the age of 5. She has passed the licentiate diploma exam of Trinity College London (LTCL) with distinction, associate diploma exam (ATCL), grade 8 piano and music theory exams of The Associate Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) with merit under instruction of Dr. Wing-Chong Kam and Vicki Chung respectively. She was awarded an Excellent Tutor Prize in The International Music and Arts Competition in 2012 and now she keeps learning piano with Dr. Helen Cha to enhance her performance skill.

Started piano teaching since 2006, Fung loves music and is experienced in piano and music theory teaching, mainly focus on interpretation, musical sense, communication, performance technique and problems on hand shape, fingering and exertion, etc. Most of her students got excellent results in exams and public competitions for the past 10+ years. Lessons could be given in English or Cantonese.

Please feel free to contact me at 90557099 (phone call or whatsapp are both acceptable) or email to [email protected]



Here are part of my students' results for your reference:


2016 - Trinity ATCL 演奏級

Trinity College London is awarded the Level 4 Diploma in Music Performance Associate of Trinity College London ATCL Piano Recital The certificate holder has been awarded 90 credits at Level 4 of the QCF Hong Kong Music Centre - November 2016 Certificate issued 22 December 2016 Sarah Kemp Chief Executive, Trinity College London Patron HRH The Duke of Kent KG Corff eylarna cydnabyddedig Level and 'oredits' refer to the Qualifications and Credit Framework in England, Wales and Northem Ireland Regulated by Ofqual AITERTON Qualification number: 600/09494 Unit number. TI502/7151 TRINITY Trinity ID: 1-575612134:1-582866127 Candidate number: 1-582866127 S........ Recagnised awarding bedy COLLEGE LONDON  OUALIFIC,Text,Academic certificate,Diploma,

2018 – ABRSM Grade 8: 137marks (Distinction)

Graded music exam ABRSM Candidate FUNG Presented by PIANO Grade Subject Marks litth held back, but lngaro and ame More contabile shope and A8 good tone fond wih accurate notes icrrased dance character ndhd, AUEGRO had poisa and ANDANTE 27 A tittu somr founo. RHILH balance Mad direted atinlaton icmae i raw and / humow wor ndhd , but phracing od shqse B2 30 (20) Ormall, an assund maying wih come accracy re gien Seme nae. A conaidend alligno canght and nuatrs achinnd. Thr hythmie control vital to sonata stylr fomd. Artieulation in semignamo achimd Some vitalitiy and dynami conhast found t 28 was Jhis was tx tent . 30 (20) musical account. fist andng a litter more arall colour. A mincinet from char A good pace ond C2 mognised. Shope The shuctr was The tatur and lugats he onbet. 28 given with a char Commihunt jt a littr mare aroome clinadic mommts (rapeciely thr top loar). chromatic hids body i tme 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios Scals had Mow ond shope or Unaccompanied huaitata d. Anprggios alas fourd - ugato tone 19 song connreton . Could hame had Mare 21 (14) Sight-reading with a managrt Balance ond prdalling coned Jhr ky and Mew um wld or 19 Quick study have kean' csper 21 (14) Aural tests only modulatio,. Frats ww and acawate one Jung naponsos www 16 hi harmenie Gnor n grmomally firm. 18 (12) Additionalcomments if needed Total 137 À musical prraentahin from Start to frish. Ving w done Maximum (Pass) 150 (100) 100 120 130 Pass Congratidations! Merit Distinction 01/ Nov / 2018 Examiner code: Co94 This form records the result of an exam held on: 4004 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England & Wales No. 19263 Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) and Scotland (SCO43343) Registered office 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y SAU Telephone +44 (0)20 7636 5400 Email abramabrsm ac.uk IC4),Text,Document,Paper,Font,Paper product

2013 – ABRSM Grade 7: 138marks (Distinction)

Graded music exam ABRSM Candidate FUNG Presented by PIANO Grade Marks Subject A2 flow in the seniquaves at reliably and Musically Thee god evennes and the outset, Ond phruses 27 to the plaig. shaped, gining a Tare guod maragad with confidenie and coheret Sese d direction authority ad the Th wao a rathe was discorse usical satisfying. god recovery. pleasingly geerates, with ped alhing. could pernapo 30 (20) Large stumble in the middle, bt a BI The Mood abmorphere and wee as julicios but shapely. sutuble The melody was touch allet 28 Sung out even contrlled rubato, and a prjeckes There have Ond well wao More. and very positive iupresmion. leved accuray giving a high ueu done ! 30 (20) This woo porignat poformanie, showing detail, Moving cud urical Completa contr The Muric's attentia to 30 4 the tond resovre. technical instunat's dhallego wee to have the picce's title seemed and Completely met, theroughty undestood. It was a joy to hea! been 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios The responses the kys wee played at quick and were 19 krown. with there were vey fw emors, today. The apeggior seare The scales a good teupo or were traditional song enen touch, and exallet bonal Contol ad GRoup I were 21 (14) ad cofident, wee the sevths. as set Sight-reading land transposition) good teupo Mostly Maintained, was 18 with much in ad rysns. More been inchded, wt this notes asumy detaid cold or expressive good atempt. The singing have quick study 21 (14) mostly accurete: the chards Aural tests tests were 16 mistakeni the Modulatioa weo and calerces wee the finad question come ct; woo Masty well obseved. 18 (12) Total 138 Additional comments if needed Thenk you T beasifu peformaes on oubtadig Pass Merit Maximum (Pass) 150 (100) your boday, renlt! coyatulations and 100 120 130 Distinction Examiner code C 2 3 5 This form records the result of an exam held on 08 August 2013 9228 44077005 (U) The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Registered as a Charit,Text,Document,Paper,Font,

2017 – ABRSM Grade 5: 132marks (Distinction)

Graded music exam ABRSM Candidate Presented by FUNG 5 PIANO Grade Subject 2017 Marks thoe A nicey pace stant, wa in and tore: The pedallig ar times, burring the tehre your who antay 27 and thee as sepo for ene yur musicality was in ouidence. opening temppo, and nythnic. The 30 (20) A3 comsi deed the approach wa althaygh 26 pedalliy over-heay he bas tone in he Tão no eteoire corners in the here, Waltz. 30 (20) Musical C2 and varied ya bagm cmidety, good effe NNd ati aulain to gnpogravted, 26 detat heped carey Ие cantrolled s campletely attntin-to the piere's character. Oc cariaal ships and he eopmses oe but 30 (20) Scales and arpeggios but merenness or Unaccompanied traditional song nd the The endy 19. reliable. peggior fiure. A promising stat Scales Group! 21 (14) Sight-reading sente or lazen pulse. The detail mokende , but th 18 Quick study the and here amited was accurate for the most part.21 (14) Aural tests Small shps in the Smg tests, but the 16 were relualle. other opafer 18 (12) Additional comments if needed Total 132 Sirengh sectione enswed in all 150 (100) Maximum (Pass) today well resnit distinch a 100 Pass 120 Merit Distinction dane, Thom as! 130 15 /Sep /2017 Examiner code: N141 6354 This form records the result of an exam held on: (S4)  The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England & Wales No. 19 Charity registered in England & Wales (292182) and Scotland (SC043343) Registered office: 4 London Wall Place, London EC2Y SAU Telephone +44 (0)20 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac .,Text,Document,Paper,Font,Design

2013 – ABRSM Grade 4: 131marks (Distinction)

Graded music exam ABRSM Candidate FUNG Presented by 4. PIANO Marks Grade Subject 2013-14 Pharing had strape aud tur wardynanin vaneto - it want an fumt in delail aud tho wee rom mern accent ret tu pulse wa,rhytia. 26 30 (20) B1 ffedive pedolling snd you gave Thue was ome it expeusir slharo and slow - ue was 2om Shuring in plazs though. 1t wm a ealy poised pufmame wiotn o rense g lghe. 28 30 (20) CI This wan hydimu ard roufel and tue was a reur d pufomaue-rome left hand note berame a luti coujurad Mut you kept flowing vey welh. 27 30 (20) V Scales and arpeggios not wer thytimic writ an even Tourh or 18 traditional song (ret Ohue wee rom mad din ared lty chomalter eale warit (ully contoled. 21 (14) Sight-reading (and transposition) This was Thythimie arud newly all acuaa with nusieal hap ad Lotow. 20 or quick study 21 (14) Aural tests Awasn'fuly accuati-Bweut weu - atieulalim 12 wan unong in C. 18 (12) Total 131 Additional comments if needed Maximum (Pass) 150 (100) Pass 100 120 Merit Distinction 130 Examiner code P I>4 This form records the result of an exam held on 09 November 2013 5992 44077002 (S4) The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Registered as a Charity No. 292182 Registered office: 24 Portland Place, London W1B 1LU Telephone +44 (0120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac.uk www.abrsm.org,Text,Document,Paper,Font

2010 – ABRSM Grade 3: 144marks (Distinction)

Graded music exam ABRSM Candidate Presented by Fung Piano 3. Subject Marks Grade A2 2009 crsp and acerae pafaance ik good dyramic sladig alag thewy 28 sighe blench 30 (20) B2 well cotaled ad parfonanee; you wsed the Justaing padal mell ad mae tee nelody sug ant'. mathe 29 30 (20) CI Jhis paforance hegalo w kin tle L.H. as tee glest ander. a nay atwosplenie in 30 of Weu dae. 30 (20) V Scales and arpeggios Scales ee ploged had been tly-theg atie. 19 or unaccompanied traditional song Apegg s wene sie just ae seene - 21 (14) Sight-reading land transposition) a vey good altenpt - ves. 20 you played msic, not Just on sigt lastalrion or Quick Study 21 (14) Aural tests ey aca Exeallen 18 18 (12] Total Additional comments 144 Sane neally otstadg playigtaday- a nchly desenved Supert Maximum (Pass) 150 (100) reult. Pass 100 120 130 Merit weu doae Distinction Examiner code J This form records the result of an exam held on (4 Auq 2010 O27 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Registered as a Charity No. 292182 Registered office: 24 Portland Place, London W1B 1LU Telephone 44 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac.uk www.abrsm.org n,Text,Document,Paper,Font,

2008 – ABRSM Grade 2: 135marks (Distinction)

EXAMINATION MARK FORM ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE ROYAL SCHOOLS OF MUSIC PIANO Subject: Candidate: FUNG Grade: Presented by:. Programme Marks A brisk and * Bunée" with Some atlarity and MUsica foise. You judgod, the dynamics really ray thwialy" buoyant. agile approah to tis dancing Zoo8 29 mell and 30 (20) A3 buzzing asound brishly mell i antrol of This busy bee Was and chaenfully. You Ware His aminated and detailed amane with Hhe fo tidy troughant. 30 (20) B3 You Caught Hhe jazry Swagge really well i his phythnic woll brefared and musical brabeatation. and jouial ac count Anoher 29 30 (20) 3. as Were 17 cales and Arpeggios The Scales were confident and Skeady Most, of the aufogios altonogh Emgor (arpegis) provng anta ond and was abaudoned' A raker "slow and bt the ky wa grashed as were moh of 1G notee Some slips Sigig test B but all of your eshontes vere Secare. or Traditional Song 21 (14) Was at times - haltüg fry. Sight Reading (and Transposition) or 21 (14) Quick Study 16 Aural Tests 18 (12) Hditional Comments TOTAL 35 Thie was Its to ejoy i yout seave and mw bra! playing . Gogialatiou". 150 (100) Maximum (Pass) 100 120 Total required to Pass to Pass with Merit to Pass with Distinction 130 is form records the result of an examination held on 23 IOct, 20ol and must be produced to accompany any enquirv or appeal. sistered as a Charity No. 292182 A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No  sistered office: 24 Portland Place London WIB 1LL Telephone 0 " Ena 5400,Text,Document,Paper,Font,Paper product

2012 – 國際音樂藝術大賽:金奬 The International Music and Arts Competition: Gold Prize

國際音樂藝術大賽 The International Music and Arts Competition 茲證明 第七屆第三輪決賽之 參與 2012年 鋼琴 分級組三級 榮獲 金獎 特此鼓勵 ARTS CHINESE 香港 (藝術聯會, 中華文化藝術節  ASSOCIATION YONOH KONG ONOH,Text

2015 – ABRSM Grade 5 Theory: 98marks (Distinction)

THEORY EXAMS ( FEBRUARY 2015 ) GRADE 5 樂理考試(2015年2月1第五級 ABRSM R PAPER 2015 APPLICANT NO.: 41334 NAME OF CANDIDATE : CANDIDATE NO.: Maximum Mark awarded mark Question 得分 滿分 15 Adding bar lines, describing melodic intervals and describing chords 加小節線,描述旋律音程及和弦 15 1. 10 10 Rewriting passage for SATB from short to open score 用開列總譜重寫以縮編譜寫成的四聲部合唱選段 2. 10 Indicating note not in named key and chord, general question and naming ornaments 10 3.la) 標示不屬於指定調的音符及標示和弦,常識問題,及寫裝飾音名稱 10 10 3.(b) Terms and rewriting chord using tenor C clef 音樂詞彙,及用次中音譜號重寫和弦 3.lc) Writing enharmonic equivalent as breve and instrumental questions 用倍全音符重寫異符同音,及與樂器相關的問題 10 10 Writing scale beginning on given note and writing chromatic scale beginning on given note 根據指定音符續寫音階,及續寫半音音階 10 10 4. 10 Transposing passage for cor anglais from concert Isounding) to written pitch 將英國管選段移調,以記譜音高方式重寫旋律 10 5. 15 13 Writing melody for bassoon or cello or to given words 為巴松管或大提琴寫作旋律或為字詞譜曲 6. Indicating suitable progressions for two cadences by writing chord names or any other recognised symbol, or by writing notes on the stave 以和弦名稱或其他認可記號,為兩個終止式配適當的和聲 10 10 7. Pass 及格 Merit 良好 Distinction N/A = Not answered * 66 TOTAL 80 98 100 90 總分 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No.1926395. Charity registered in England & Wales 1292182) & Scotland ISC0433431. Registered office: 24 Portland Place, London W1B 1LU Telephone +44 (0120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@a,Text,Document,Paper,Font


查詢請致電或whatsapp至:90557099 (Miss Fung)

或電郵到  [email protected]

Please feel free to contact me at 90557099 (phone call or whatsapp are both acceptable) or email to [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性