1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

香港當代藝術 【兒童歌劇團 】招生中

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-01-21 刊登者: Ben Chiu
    hong kong children operetta Future Performance in New Yrk and London No Audition of beginning stage Diocount for further master courses WHAT CAN I LEARN? DRAMA. ACTING. SINGING. INTERACTIV &exchange tours Preview concert & cooching for Or ABRSMSTORY TELLING. SCRIPT WRITING. ENGLISH DICTION ☆ MUSIC PRINCIPAL COACH - YK YIU 852 95507489 853 62377694 VOCAL COACH, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BACH SOCIETY LYRIC BARITONE MASTER OF SPEAKS WIT Emailinfo@uaachk.com Website: www.uaachk.com UAACHK universalAAC  Text,
    20 essons March - Aug 2019 (Apply before 10th Feb 2019) 3000HKD (half season) 5500HKD (one season)  Text,Font,Line,Graphics,


3月- 8月 共20 課 , 可以學唱歌、演戲、(RP)英文、不同語言仲有寫script , 我地將會有國外演出la

新季度亦都有 迎新 EARLY BIRD 優惠: 🤩

原價 一季 HKD 7000

2月10日前報名 - 
半季只需 HKD 3000! 
一季只需 HKD 5500🥳🥳🥳

星期六 中環 3-430 (9-12歲), 445-615 (14-17歲)
星期六 荔枝角 1030-1200 (7-10歲)

快D apply 啦仲等?

Tel/ WhatsApp : (852) 95507489
#uaac #childreanoperacourse #childrenopera #opera #kids

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性