1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

鋼琴導師及聲樂導師-與Miss Wong一起開始音樂之旅! 為ABRSM術科、樂理、聽力和閱譜培訓,IB音樂術科考試、GCSE術科考試及各種比賽提供聲樂和鋼琴培訓。她還提供各類樂器各級鋼琴伴奏。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-11-08 刊登者: Miss Wong
    Musiclassforal gchools Music and Speech Association Certificate usiclassf orall.weebly.com This is to certif Yeung Maggie Mu siclassf has attained Honours in the Piano Solo orall.weebly co Julius Harrison in the 59th Hong Kong0 Music Festival 2007 FIRST Chairman  text
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    Hong Music and Speech Association Certificate of arnt This is to ce Yeung Maggie has attained Merit in the Piano Solo 0 Henry Purcell in the 58th Hong Kog Iusic Festival 2006O SECOND Chairman  text

聲樂導師 及 鋼琴導師 - Miss Wong






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Eastman college of music 


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Singing Teacher & Piano Teacher - Miss Wong

Allow your children to embark on an exciting singing and musical adventure with Miss Wong ! She has over 16 years of experience in teaching children. Fluent in English, Chinese, she has helped hundreds of kids develop the confidence to perform on stage, in front of crowds, and participated in musicals and have won championships and medals at the Hong Kong School Music Festivals. Miss Wong is a graduate of music from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, where she studied with Miss Ella Kiang, Mr Brian Montgomery, Miss Katusha Tsui and Mr David Quah for singing, she also studied piano with Professor Eleanor Wong. A workshop with her is guaranteed to spark your childs interest in singing and piano with her interactive, dynamic approach, and to open their hearts and eyes into the musical world! She provides training for vocal and piano, aiming for ABRSM practical and theory exam, ABRSM aural and sight reading training, IB music practical performance, GCSE practical performance , various competitions. She also provides piano accompaniment.

Have been teaching students from the following schools:
Canadian international school
Chinese international school
French international school
German Swiss international school
Hong Kong international school
Harrow International school
ISF Academy 
Peak school
Singapore international school
South Island School
Yiew Chung International School



German Swiss international school end of year performance singing you raise me up


Hong Kong international school fashion show solo performance


Home practising competition song


Home practising for musical audition


Home practise before performing in old peoples home


Home Practicing Video



Graded music exam CandidateNHO YAN Presented byーーLEESIUNUN,CARMEN Subject ABRSM Marks Grade 2 SINGING 28 30 1201 musict classfor 29 30 1201 nusicl t夜 tweebly athe28 assfor g com all classfor weebt oralt y.com traditional song An dun weebt /8 g.com 18 112 denetaturoud didud. Aural tests 150 1100 100 120 130 Pass Additional comments needed V-ak Lil oc n, 씨脹.0vIf elen Distinction pal This form records the result of an exam held on 29/ Oct /2015 Examiner code 369,text,font,document,paper,THEORY EXAMS 1 OCTOBER 2015 | GRADE 5 樂理考試( 2015年10月]第五級 S PAPER 2015 ABRSM APPLICANT NO.: 41125 NAME OF CANDIDATE MCCOY MICHAELA CANDIDATE NO.: 56105 Maximum Mark mark awarded 滿分 Question 得分 15 12 1. Ng ornaments, giving time name, giving technical names, rewriting Mus uping Ibeamingl the notes correctly and describing time signature 名稱、專有名稱,重寫旋律並正確地(以橫幹線)組合音 iclassforall.weebly.com siclassforall.weebly.com Musiclassforall weebly.com 付 10 10 2. Describing melo 描述旋律音程 Mu 10 to concert Isoundingl 3. sing passage for clarinet ,以實際音高重寫 10 10 4.la) Terms, nami ¡Apart of chromatic sca 晉階 音樂詞彙,寫調名 10 or C clef 4) Describing chords and rewritin 述和弦,及用次中音譜號重寫 uestions 10 10 monic equivalent as breve, vocL 同音,及與聲樂和樂器相關的問 10 10 ed key signature and adding Writing scale make named sca 根據指定調號寫音階 5. 定音階 rds 15 6. Writing melody for violin or trumpet 為小提琴或小號寫作旋律或為字詞譜曲 names or 10 10 Indicating suitable progressions for two cadences any other recognised symbol, or by writing notes on the 以和弦名稱或其,text,font,document,line,Singing (Grades 6-8) Candidate HENG SHun A Presented by MUSICAL KiDZ ABRSM Marks Grade List A lo Note i he dt Musiclassforall.weebly.com 241161 Musiclassforall.weebly.com 19 21(14) Musiclassforall.weebly.com 21 (141 traditional song "Th" 21 1141 21 114 sight-sngies A Cot 8 112 Aural tests Total 135 Additional comments Maximum (Passl 150 110 100 120 130 Angela, what have u got in your singing exam ?!-Φ Feeling fantastic. See More,text,handwriting,font,document,writing68th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival 2016 Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association rtificate of loail weebly.com Deborant Musiclassforall.weebly.com Musiclassforall.weebly.co lo Foreign Lang Soprdn icondary Schoo CO ezp Age Chairmarn,text,font,paper,Horg Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 2016 Musiclassforall.weebi ng Kong Schools Music Festival Certificate usictasstor Lmous rall.weebly.com Viktoria Lilly Kenig ocal Solo Singing in E Musiclassforall.weebly.com Boysoreble Voice Age 5 too Chairman,text,font,paper,Musiclassfor ls Music and Speech Association Schools Musie Festival Hon 68th Certificate of uoll.weebly.com erit Musiclassforall.weebly.com FIRST d Piano Solo 0 Chairman,text,font,paper,usiclassforall.weebly.com ONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIV 六侶香港學校音瘿節 會 Member R 0043 Mu U113.4 Piano Solo siclassforall.weebly.com Marka eRa ー11st Musiclassforall.weebly.com usu Wal bohe Ms Maria Garzon,text,handwriting,font,writing,documentSinging (Grades 6-8) ABRSM Presented by Marks Grade Musiclassforall.weebly.com he an a.1 24 116 List K11) No 24 (16 Musiclassforall.weebly.com List 21 1141 . 21 114 Musiclassforall.weebly.com aniedBeatiful Dreamer) a1 g A 21 114 Sight-singing 21 (141 pr an Aural tests Au tbs 18 1121 Total 137 Additional comments imum IPass 150 11001 100 120 130 15 08 2016 Examiner code A H9 6 This form records the result of an exam held on The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Registe red as a Chanity No.292182 Place, London W18 1LU Telephone 44 10820 7636 5400 Emailrum@abrsm.acukwww.abrsm.erg,text,font,line,document,paperABRSM The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music This is to certify that WAH HON DOUGLAS rnined and passed in 2013 Presented for examination SO KIN KAI Leslie East Chief Executive,text,font,paper,58th HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十八屆香港學校音樂 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 節 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會主辦 Class Code: U105 No. :17 Member: 130911 Group 16 - Piano Solo - Grade Two Moris侵贝 sOWah Hon Douglas 75-79% Proficiescy Piecen nea Song. Op 39No 16-Peter lhyích 分數 Marks ใจ 注意:冠、亞、季軍得奬者 N.B.: No Placing will be awarded 名次! Place , eren Mr. Julian Larkin ˊ分數,名次.位置如被蓋印,即代表違N規則第十二條,參賽者,律不予評分 Marks/Placebeing stamped means competitors have violabed regulation No. 12. No marks will be given 所有If書中鎮651111會員統 ,跑理。詳情請參髺本會靿 The Association will issue certificates diroctly to members after the Festival Please visit our web she foe details 本會齶站Web She: http:/wwwhkimiaorghk Rel: 546809,text,font,line,paper,documentABRSM Musiclassfor ols of Music forall.weebly.co ciated Board Th of the Roy Mu siclassforall.weeb This is to certify that ιμυ RONALD nd passed T4 GRAD aith distinct usiclass in 2009 Presented for examination by forall.w SO KİN KAI eebly.com Rithan RFM Morris Chief Executive,text,pink,font,line,ABRSM y College of Music Associated Board of the iSchools of Music This is to certify that SO WAH HEI RONALD ined and passed PIANO Presented for examina SO KIN KA G R Perricone Chief Executive,text,pink,font,line,ABRSM Graded music exanm Marks WA Mu Grade Can Presen Subject siclass forall.weebly.co 30 1201 Mu siclass forall.w eebly.com 30 120 siclass forall.w Scales and arp traditional song&e eebly.com /F land transpositionle der- 181121 Quick Suo Maximum Pass 100 7 Pass k44/ 4m. Distinction Aditional comments &n eubicbene 130 xinercode A 4 42 The Associated Board of the Roys Schools of Mus A cempany registered with Umibed ibility in Engand and Wales Ne:9926395 Registered as a Chanity No 2121 Regisered ffice: 24 Portland Place, Londen we 10 Telehne44 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsbrm.ak www.abrm. This form records the result f an exam held on 1 3 NOV 2010,text,font,line,paper,area第六十屆香港學校音樂節 18 February to 20 March 2008 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音樂及朗譜協會主辦 60th HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 1 f 1 Mu siclassf Order出場序:40 Member會員:130911 Solo Class項 Mer4優A orall.weebly.co soso marks分 Competitor So Wah Hei Marks Musiclass Pastorale K 446, L 433 marks forall.w " No placing w 冠,亞、季軍得 eebly.com usiclass fo.tr hs forall.w eebly.com Adjudica Contificates will be available for collection by members of the Associasion from May to July of the next year Members are required to distribute the certificates to their stdents ntraitsキ會會員於來年五月至七月期ne領取.再由會員發予參賽學生Rderece N nter. 8600m,text,font,line,paper,​ ​ 58th HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第五十八屆香港學校音樂節 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會主辦 of 1 No.: 12 Member: 130911 Group Class or shove Competitor Piece/Title So Wah Hei Rona :-op 55 No. 3 in C Profkimey良好 Op 88 No. 4 in F major (without Marks 軍得奬者,必須獲得80分或以上 Dawarded under 80 marks Ternt。 ALwAYS 0 "分影名欠位置如被蓋印,即代表違反规則第十一條,參賽者"律不預分 Marks/Place being stamped means compesitors have violated regulation No. 12 No marks 所有証書中屾必須由會員統一8理,評情219閔本會網站 The Assoclation wilt issue certificates dieectly to members aher the Festival. Please visit our web site Sor details 本會 1站Web Site: http:/www.hksmaorg.hk Rad: 518560,text,font,line,area,paperMusiclassforall Hong Kote os Mic and Speech Association Schools Music Festival 66th Ho Certificate of Yeung Maggie & Yeungnin Gladys FIRST sstorall.weebly.co it Musiclass forall.w uet Secondary School Fem r under eebly.com Chairman,text,font,line,​ ​ Musiclassforall Hong KongSuMusic and Speech Association 66th Hong oe/Schools Music Festival weebly.e raltmeebly.com MusiclasS cate of Yeung Maggie Mu siclass SECOND forall.w eien Language Vocal Solo Female Voice am School eebly.com Age 16 or un Chairman,text,font,line,Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association Musiclassforall ebly.com Musiclassforal.we forall.weebly.com rtify that Wong ao Mu siclass has attained Honours in Singing in Foreign Language - in the 54th HongKoools Music Festival 20 Soprano forall.weebly.com SECOND Chairmarn,text,pink,font,posterABRSM d music exam MICHAELA 1 of 1 糸 Mu Marks MCCOY ELIZA Grade 5 SINGING siclass 21 49 forall.weebly.co Mu Cot 28 siclass 30 1201 forall.w eebly.com 30 120 Mu siclassforall.w 2o Scales and traditional sont 21 (14 eebly.com Quick study 6hen 18 112 Maximum Pass Additional comments if needed 130 Distinction 378001 16/ May/ 2014 Examiner code: N229 This form records the result of an esam heid on,text,font,line,paper,documentABRSM Singing (Grades 6-8) Candidate in Marks nted by usicla ssforall.w phases 24 116 shapr es eebly.com 21 Mu and colro siclass forall.w List D Perses was eas Mu eebly.com siclass anied Ch 21(141 17 forall.w Sight-singing accurtde ba pioce aso 181121 Total 134 eebly.com Aural tests Su Perod arc imum IPass) 1501100 100 120 Additional comments and Examiner code C Rened as a Chanity No29282 This form records the result of an esam held on No, 2olG the Aociated Boand of the Ryal Shools of Music A company negishered with in England and Wls No 92,text,font,line,paper,documentABRSM Graded music exam MICHAELA MCCOY Candidate Marks ELIZA MCCOY Grade 2 usiclass SINGING ALS forall.weebly.co Musiclass nite Sp 30 Lot forall.weebly.com Le 30 120 Mu siclass home forall.w 21 114 Sight-reading land transpositionl Quick Study Aural tests hantant eebly.com 8 112 Total 50 1100 Additional comments Pass วาย Examiner code T 693 5429001 This form records the result of an exam held on 26 April 2012 The Associaled Board of the Royal Schools of Music Telephone+66 10120 7434 5400 mail abrmabrsm.acuk www.m.ang Registered office 24 Portand Place London WB T,text,font,line,area,paperABRSM raded music exam OY 券 Musicla Marks te Grade4 - ELIZA MCCOY GING ssforall.weebly.com Sub 30 1201 29 Mu siclass 30 120 forall.w 30 120 eebly.com retty Poly oliver siclass i9 Mu 21 141 traditional 21 114 forall.w it-reading s land transposition! 14 18 112 eebly.com Quick Study Aural tests Total 150 11001 Additional comments Examiner code 7。2。 12 September 2012 The Associated Board of the Roel Schools of Music company egiwit ity n England and Wales No 1926395 Registered as Charity No 292182 This form records the result of an exam held on,text,font,line,paper,documentABRSM Mu siclassforall.w Osociated Board ools of Music eebly.com of the R Mu siclass This is to certify that MATEJ EMİMA forall.w d passed eebly.com GRA with distin in 2013 usiclassforal.weeb Presented for examination by ABATE SIAN G R Perricone Chief Executive ABRSM BRSM 24 Partiand Place London W18 LU, Unted Kingdom,text,font,ABRSM rade music exam usiclass Marks andidate resented by ubject Grade forall.weebly.com SINGIN 28 30 120 usiclass forall.weebly.com 20nt 30 120) 28 Mu siclass forall.weebly.com /8 21 (14 18 (1 Maximum IPass) 150 1100 Pass Merit Distinction comments id needed 100 120 130 4270 Examiner code:369 48137001 (841 Oct /2015 c A compuny regstered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1W26395 WIB 1U Telephone +44 0120 7836 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.acuk n records the result of an exam held on: 29 ada 921821&Scotand ISC0433431,text,handwriting,font,document,paperMusiclass ABRSM usic exam CHING LING Marks Cand Presented b Subject Grade 5 forall.w 29 eebly.com 30 1201 Mu siclass forall.weebly.com 30 28 1201 usiclass forall.weebly.com 21 1141 Sight-reading duck study 18 1121 Aural tests tal 135 100 Additional comments if needed N4 W214 resu- This form records the result of an exam held on 21/Apr/2016 Examiner cod,text,font,paper,document,第六十七屆香港學校音樂節 23-14/2015 67TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL usiclass by Hong Kong Schools Musie and Speech Association Assigned Order出場序: 12 Member會員: 130911 forall.weebly.com Class項目 rks Competitor Koo Ching Ling :-Air , Purcel usiclass 曲目 forall.weebly.com el as Mu Ha last ntoa section siclass forall.weebly.com nk Pittman tor The adjodicator eserves coppright of the comments imade above conceming the perfomece of Reference Namber 30849836 Members are responsible for deaributing the cortificates to their stude,text,font,document,paper第六十八屆香港學校音樂節 22/2 23/3/2016 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 魯港學校音樂及朗誦協會主” 68TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL Mu Assigned Order出場序:36 siclass Member會員: 130911 2-3 ed Piano Solo forall.w Competitor Koo 參賽者 Marks 分數 :-Preude in G-Ha eebly.com Piece(s)曲目 siclass forall.weebly.com TL siclass forall.weebly.co Mr Alan MacLean cator he adjodicator reserves C copprighe of the conenents made above coocensing the perfeemr Rcfernce Number 226549 Cenificates will be available for collection ty memhers of the Associacion from My to July Moshens are responsible for distributing the cenificates to theit students,text,font,document,handwriting,paperMusiclassfor Music and Speech Association Sshools Music Festival Hong Kolit 68th Ho all Certificate of rit ralil.weebly.co Koo Chin Musiclassforall.w FIRST led Piano Solo eebly.com Chairman,text,font,poster,Musiclassfo g Schools Music and Speech Association Kong Schools Music Fesival 2015 Certificate ly.co usiclass forall.w Ching Ling eebly.com FI Musiclass Piano S Grade Three Graded Piano Sol forall.weebly.com Chairman,text,font,limmy (Re。ols Music and Speech Association Musiclassforal Schools Music Festival 66th Sertificate of it Mu eebly.com Wong Pui siclass SECOND forall.weebly.com Language Vocal So chool emale Foice Age 16 or u Chairmarn,text,font,hs Music and Spech Association Certificate CPo uSiclas Musiclassforal sforall.w eebly.com This is to certif Yeung Maggie Mu siclassforall.weeb has attained Honours in the Piano Solo eOs Julius Harrison Music Festival 2007 in the 59th Hong Kong com FIRST Chairman,text,font,line,Musiclassforallw Music and Speech Association Hong Certificate o ebly.com ar sforall.w eebly.com This is to cert Yeung Maggie siclass has attained Merit in the Piano Solo in the 58th Hong KoegSİoot,Music Festival 2006 Hemy Purcell forall.w eebly.com SECOND Chairman,text,font,line,Musiclassferall.we c and Speech Association Hong Kongd Certificate of ebly.co nours rall.weebly.co This is to certify that Mu siclass Yeung Maggie CA ed Honours in the förall.weebly.co in the 59th Hong Kong Schools Vh sic Festiyal 2007 Grade Two FIRST Chairman,text,font,line,


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性