1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-08-15 刊登者: Mr. Fan Kam Fung

范錦烽於2004開始學習色士風,曾師隨朱穎恆先生﹑曾敏思小姐﹑黃德釗先生,並由2013起跟隨梁國章先生學習色士風。於2015年考獲英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院LTCL演奏文憑,亦曾參與過Kenneth Tse﹑Amigo Saxophone Quartet之大師班。並於2016成為香港國際薩克斯管工作坊的其中一位主流生。現時為香港中文大學崇基管樂團之首席色士風手。


Fan Kam Fung started to play saxophone in 2004. His teachers include Miss Tsang Man Sze and Mr. Wong Tak Chiu. In 2013, Fung started to study saxophone under the guidance of Jacky Leung.

  In 2015, he obtained the Trinity College of Music, LTCL Diploma. He has also participated in master-classes of Dr. Kenneth Tse and Amigo Saxophone Quartet. In 2016, he is one of the active participants of the Hong Kong International Saxophone Symposium, the faculty included Philippe Geiss, Jea-Michel Goury and Kenneth Tse.

He is now the section leader of saxophone part of Chung Chi College Wind Orchestra of CUHK.

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