1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修

全職女導師_私人教授Music (上水/粉嶺/大埔/沙田區)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-06-02 刊登者: CherryLiu

全職女導師_ (元朗區/上水/粉嶺/大埔/沙田/九龍區)


eg 鋼琴、樂理、伴奏、Aural、ABRSM鋼琴考試 及 公開鋼琴比賽。
(另可提供 其他國家 公開認可的考試/ 各類公開各比賽資料 )

eg 西洋畫、素描、漫畫、手工、西洋書法、全國美術考試 及 藝術設計公開比賽。
(另可個別教授 為學生升學而預備的"作品集" 設計/ 提供各類公開比賽資料 )

透過表達性的藝術,了解及欣賞自己更多,助人提升自信。學習正向思維,提升生活態度及素質。 學習觀察,聆聽,增強更多與人相處的溝通技巧。


詳情請參看我的網頁  http://www.artistforest.com/


歡迎查詢 Ms Liu Chiu Yee: 
Email: [email protected]

CUHK SCS Piano Performance Dip (中大鋼琴演奏文憑)
HKIIM Piano Pedagogy Dip & Music High Certificate(HKIIM鋼琴教學文憑及音樂高級證書)
UK Edexcel Level 5 BTEC Graphic Design HND (英國Edexcel BTEC平面設計系高級國家文憑)
CBCC Graphic Design AD (CBCC平面設計系副學士學位)
Upper Iowa University Psychology Degree Student (修讀心理學系)
HKBU SCE Applied Psychology Dip (浸大應用心理學文憑)
ABRSM G8 Theory Certificate (皇家音樂學院八級樂理證書)
ABRSM G8 Piano Certificate with Merit (皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴[良好])

Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists, Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong, 
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art, Hong Kong Creative Art Association
Hong Kong Association for Music Educators, Hong Kong Piano Teachers Circle, Hong Kong Music Tutors Union
Hong Kong Professional Piano Education Association, Hong Kong International Pianist Association 
香港音樂教育家協會、香港鋼琴導師協會、香港音樂導師同盟會、香港鋼琴教育專業協會 、香港國際鋼琴家協會 


廖氏為全職導師,多年經驗教授 視覺藝術、平面設計、創意媒體設計、手工、鋼琴、樂理、音樂興趣班… 等課程。 

於大專時期,受林仲強先生及Brian Lau Yee Huan老師的啟發及指導,更努力於創作。
在音樂路上,師承許耀東及陳祖慧老師學習鋼琴,並得到Groffrey Pratley, 黃偉榮老師的督導。考獲良好成績並於公開比賽中獲獎。
廖氏跟隨蘇偉雄博士、張樂聖及Bernard Hui老師學習樂理、作曲及Jazz Music。
曾學習Flute及druma kit。經驗擔任詩琴及伴奏。

廖氏修畢 平面設計、繪畫、攝影、品牌設計、多媒體設計等藝術課程﹔ 也曾修讀 時裝設計及室內設計。
修畢 鋼琴文學、鋼琴伴奏、即與伴奏、西洋音樂歷史、指揮、視唱練耳、合唱合奏、樂理、和聲學、旋律寫作、曲式分析…等學科。
修畢多個心理學課程,包括 心理畫分析、輔導與心理治療、應用管理及組織心理學、發展心理學、社會心理學、學習與動機…等學科。 

教授的學生,年齡介乎 幼童(2歲半)至 成人(部分更為退休人仕)。

I am a full time Arts and Music Tutor. Enjoying Arts and Music life~ 
I started drawing and joining competitions since childhood and won a lot of prizes. 
I am experience in teaching Arts and music. I have taught at various school, arts and music studios, community centers and private students. I am also interested in establishing a direct relationship with the students and their parents. Student’s performances have always been very outstanding and obtained excellent results. 
I have taught students from age 2 onwards.


香港會議展覽中心、大會堂、大專院校、社區會堂  私人機構。及刊登於畫會年刊。
My artworks were exhibited at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,CityHall, College, Community Centre,and also at various college and private showings.



Awards of Music 部份音樂獎項:

2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chopin Nocturne, Bronze Award

2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 3th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chinese Style(High-level group), Bronze Award

2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, 2009 Internaional Music and Compeition, 
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award

2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition, 
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award

2009, The 15th Hong Kong- Asia Piano Open Competition,
Haydn Sonata Class (Preliminary), Certificate of Honour Award

… etc.


Awards of Music Art 部份藝術獎項:

2012, Planning Department, My Future HK Drawing Competition, Certificate

2010, Wai Ji Christian Service, Life Colored, Certificate 

2009,TWGH Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly 
Community Centre - Drawing Competition, Third With Certificate

2005, Hong Kong Communication Art Centre and MusicArts 
Teenage T- Shirt Design Competition, Certificate

2004, Po Leung Kuk Quality Circle Assessment and Award Scheme ( for Art ), Gold Medal

1999, Senior Assistant Director Education Department
The Most Improved Primary Pupils Award Scheme
Parent - child Poster Design Competition, Certificate with Merit 

Before 1998: 
North District Town Hall drawing competition, Award

Hong Kong Children & Youth Services, Christmas card Design Competition, Winner 

North District Town Hall, Christmas card Design Competition, Runner-up

Shell Hong Kong, drawing competition, Merit Award


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性