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Bow Brand 豎琴弦線網店 www.hkharp.net

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-09-27 刊登者: HKHarp.Net
    1st Octave Complete Set (9 Strings Set) Pedal Natural Gut Bow Brand  musical instrument,string instrument,plucked string instruments,harp,konghou
    1st Octave Complete Set Burgundy Natural Gut Harp Strings (9 Strings Set) 港豎琴 HKHarp.net Made in England  text,purple,violet,line,font
    3rd Octave Complete Set Lever Natural Gut BOW BrandC HKHa p. et Co  musical instrument,string instrument,plucked string instruments,product,
    Guarantee This string has undergone stringent quality control at each stage of manufacture Storage To care for your string, always store in dry conditions but away from direct sources of heat Bow Brand International Ltd Highgate, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1PT t +44 (O) 1553 772943 f: +44 (0) 1553 762887 e: sales@bowbrand. co.uk w: www.bowbrand.co.uk 港豎琴 Made in England HKHarp.net   text,font,line,area,

我們的網店出售進口英國Bow brand豎琴弦. 一系列Bow Brand Pedal Gut, Bow Brand Lever Gut 和 Burgundy Pedal Gut也可以在我們的網店找到. 歡迎Whatsapp查詢.

價格如下: (和網店一樣 ) (www.hkharp.net)


Bow Brand Pedal Gut (單一購買)

Above Octave: $43/條

1st Octave: $70/條

2nd Octave: $70/條

3rd Octave: $90/條

4th Octave: $145/條

5th Octave: $220/條


Bow Brand Lever Gut (單一購買)

3rd Octave: $90/條

4th Octave: $140/條

5th Octave: $225/條


Bow Brand Silkgut (單一購買)

1st Octave: $50/條

2nd Octave: $60/條

3rd Octave: $75/條

4th Octave: $110/條

5th Octave: $170/條


Bow Brand Burgundy Pedal Gut (單一購買)

Above Octave: $35/條

1st Octave: $35/條

2nd Octave: $55/條

3rd Octave: $70/條

4th Octave: $105/條

5th Octave: $164/條

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性