We provide computer support services to small and growing companies in Hong Kong, making sure their IT systems work efficiently and securely.
You have landed here because you may be in need of IT support, or you have already heard of us and would like to find out a little more about who we are and what we offer.
As you browse through these pages you will learn about the scope of the technical support services we offer and the clients we have worked with in the past. You will also see evidence of our reliability and the quality of service we provide. If the information you are seeking is not here, we have friendly staff available to answer your inquiry at 2851 8002.
We also want your visit to our website to be a worthwhile one. Please feel free to browse around, find out about our solutions and download resource materials and general IT support tips for reference.
These practical tips are gleaned from our direct experience over the 18 years we have been in Hong Kong providing technical support to small to medium sized companies and SMEs.
If you require immediate service or have an urgent inquiry, call us on 2851 8002 or email [email protected].
4B Harvest Building, 29-35 Wing Kut Street, Central, Hong Kong
香港中環永吉街 29-35 恆豐大廈4B室
Tel: (852) 2851 8002
Fax: (852) 2851 2331