Domain Name, HK Domain Name, Domain Name Registration, Check Domain, 域名註冊, 域名查詢, 域名登記, 域名申請


We specialize in 5 Key Areas: Network Infrastruture, Network Management, Network Security, Network Communication and Web Application
DData World Computer and Communication Ltd.

專注於數據恢復及數據銷毀服務,我們是專業數據恢復工具俄羅斯 ACE Laboratory PC3000 的中港台總代理,亦是中國信安保專業消磁工具的香港,澳門及台灣獨家代理.多年來我們為香港各大小企業,政府部門,教育機構及私人用戶等提供專業的數據恢 復及數據銷毀服務,成功率達七成以上.
MMr. Wong

Integrate with up-to-date equipment and accumulated technical knowledge. As an internet technology service provider, we possess extensive experience in serving both the business
ee-Centre 數據中心

services: Custom Web Design E-Commerce Solutions Graphic Design Facebook Promotions Domain Name Registration Online Marketing Photo Book Solutions
YYing Media Limited

Our Services Web Design eSolutions Online Marketing iPhone Apps / iPad Application development facebook Application development Payment Gateway Virus Scan Email Services Multimedia Design
SSource Technology Limited

Our Services:Web Design Web Programming Web Hosting Web Promotion (SEO) Printed Design
BBoon Production Limited

we offer creative ideas and concept consultancy, covering a comprehensive range of services including graphics design, website design, multi-media, product packaging, graphics design,
WWise Kids

We intend to facilitate an enhancement of enterprises' IT system establishment, optimization and business operations management.
WWai On

專門提供 VPS 虛擬伺服器及雲端伺服器。我們是一家在香港成立的公司,我們由一家小型網站寄存公司,發展成為領先同業的虛擬伺服器提供者,讓大家以最低的價錢享用穩定可靠的伺服器服務。
AAsia Web Services Ltd.

MyPBX also offers a hybrid solution (a combination of VoIP applications using legacy telecom equipment) alternative for enterprises who are not yet ready to migrate to a complete VoIP solution.

提供品牌及企業形象設計、網頁設計、網上推廣、程式開發及各類平面設計.網站開發 公司網站設計 Corporate Web Site Design 子商貿網站設計 E-commerce Web site Design 小型推廣網站設計 Promotional mini site Web site Design 互動多媒體網站設計
001Design Hong Kong Professional Design Company

現在買NOD32防毒軟件3年版, 只要加多1元, 即可擁有PesPatrol-Anti-Spyware 國防級防間諜軟件.
TTrust Technology Company


We pride ourselves on the philosophy that our solutions and services are strongly customer-driven. Apart from providing hardware, we dedicated ourselves to deliver professional consultation services
OOne Solution

掌握各種最頂尖的ICT技術,憑藉本身的獨特優勢,為客戶創造嶄新的策略價值,並協助企業提升 運營效率,讓企業變得更為靈活多元化

公司發展及代理各種不同的互聯網、資訊科技、多媒體產品,其中包括通訊系統、安全、網絡、多媒體及消費市場產品。透過公司 龐大的網絡、銷售點、分銷商及合作夥伴,Version 2 Limited 提供廣被市場讚賞的產品及服 務。

These include Government Bodies, Banks, Public Listed Companies, Hospitals, Hotel Groups, Property Developers, Contractors, Architects, Consultant Firms, Trading Firms, Manufacturer and ... etc.
SScanworld Station Limited

Vast experiences were gained in the field of business application marketing, application product development, system integration project control and production.
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