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To cope with market needs, the new version of document management is now renamed to eDoc

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-27 刊登者: eDoc
Since 2002, Rectitech Group Limited has used its we make humanware philosophy to create simple but powerful enterprise document management system - Rectidoc. More than 100 organizations, including telecoms, government agencies, travel agencies, banks, universities and colleges use Rectidoc to streamline their document management process.

To cope with market needs, the new version of document management is now renamed to eDoc. eDoc comes with different modules and packages to suit different business requirements.

Feel free to contact us for product enquiries or demo request.

Office Location

18/F, Silver Tech Tower, 26 Cheung Lee Street
Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-22345868
Fax: 852-25569838
E-mail: [email protected]

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