
Ms. Helen Tse 私人長笛導師, 樂理,六年以上豐富教授經驗,可以英語授課 聖三一學院專業教師雙演奏文憑, 主修長笛演奏 ​Teacher s qualifications (專業資歷):​ Bachelor of Arts (Music) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Mus

Profile of Mr. Koo Graduated from La Salle College and Cambridge University Attained 8.5 / 9 in IELTS Years of MARKING HKDSE English Writing Speaking papers Registered Teacher Status Have acces
d教學進修 / 補習double0seven

World-class experienced international tutors from Oxbridge or Ivy League equivalent universities around the world. (IB/GCE/IGCSE)
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

本人大學畢業於英國時裝設計學院, 操流利中英文, 可雙語教學。I studied Bachelor of Art (Honours) Fashion Design in United Kingdom. I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese, I can lecture bilingual.

專業演奏級結他女導師 多年教授經驗 曾留學西班牙大學 教授古典結他 流行結他 fingerstyle 詩歌伴奏課程 樂理

UCENGLISH Education Center 語思教育中心 碩士大學外籍講師教英文/成人英語/幼稚園中小學大學英文專科/暑期班/興趣班/IELTS/DSE/功課/IPA/數學/NET

歡迎應屆畢業生及任何在職人士!! 掌握最新科技應用,學習一技之長,增值自己!由零開始編寫和部署您自己的以太坊智能合約!

英國名牌大學,倫敦大學學院(UCL)學生 IGCSE,GCE A LEVEL 上門補習
J教學進修 / 補習Jeremy Wai

[演奏級女導師]中大音樂系畢業 教授長笛、鋼琴、樂理、聆聽訓練及鋼琴伴奏

Did you know over 60% of all English words came from Latin or Greek? People who have knowledge of either (or both) of these languages generally have better command of English, because they have develo
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