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  2. 教學進修
  3. 音樂課程 - 學琴

屯門區演奏級[LTCL, ATCL with distinction]鋼琴老師招收各級鋼琴/伴奏學生

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-12-14 刊登者: Kwok
    KAWAI   piano,musical instrument,technology,keyboard,digital piano
    Subięct PTAN Grade, ο Marks в Consiana eha anulesand.an encouna0%Mei eu kas 30 and ke んas lB 30 (20) 3o Miss Kwok's Student 30 120) Scales and ap or Unaccompanied traditional song PPNhoax m/s ,01 21 (141 Sight-reading hot Quick study 21 (141 Aural tests 18 (12] Additional comments if needed Total Maximum (Pass] 150 (1b0) Merit Distincti 100 120 This form records the result of an exam held on: 14/ Aug /2015 Examiner code:T115 4972 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395, Charity registered in England & Wales 12921821 & Scotland ISCO433431 Registered office 24 Portland Place, London W18 1LU Telephone +44 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac.uk www.abrsm.org (M2  text,handwriting,font,writing,line
    R PAPER 2015 AB APPLICANT NO.: NAME OF CANDIDATE: CANDIDATE NO.: Maximum Mark Question問題 mark awarded 滿分!得分 15 Adding bar lines, describing melodic intervals and describing chords 加小節線,描述旋律音程及和弦 1. 15 2. Rewriting passage for SATB from short to open score 3.lal Indicating note not in named key and chord, general question and naming 3.lb) Terms and rewriting chord using tenor C clef 3.Icl Writing enharmonic equivalent as breve d instrume 10 10 用開列總譜重寫以縮編譜寫成的四聲部合唱選段 10 10 ornaments 標示不屬於指定調的音符及標示和弦,常識問題,及寫裝飾音名稱 10 音樂詞彙,及用次中音譜號重寫和弦 10 用倍全音符重寫異符同音,及g Writing scal gin twriung chromatic scale beginning Ms Kwok's student n not 音符ǐhere階,及續寫半音音階 5. Transposing passage for cor anglais from concert (soundingl to written pitch 10 10 將英國管選段移調,以記譜音高方式重寫旋律 Writing melody for bassoon or cello or to given words 為巴松管或大提琴寫作旋律或為字詞譜曲 6. 15 13 7. Indicating suitable progressions for two cadences by writing chord names or 10 10 any other recognised symbol, or by writing notes on the stave 以和弦名稱或其他認可記號,為兩個終止式 text,font,handwriting,line,paper
    Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM - ALTO SAXOPHONE Grade 6 Marks e here. e moest . Just a 30 120) 3 47 30 30 120 Scales and arpeggios or Unaccompanied traditional song hps i au a hese. Moneda chonahiz and a coupe at arps, od pate 17 cra le 21 (14 Sight-reading or ST Quick study or nal nuance wa acne 21 114 Aural tests 12. *伴奏學生:134 18 (12) erde, Add. at comments if needed Total Maximum IPass) 150 (1001 plamny. wreuu 100 Pass Merit Distinction 541 This form records the result of an exam held on: 12/ Aug/ 2016 Examiner code: A067 The Associated Board of the Royal Schoots of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No. 1926395 Charity registered in England & Wales 1292182) & Scotland ISCO43343) Registered office: 24 Portland Place, London W18 1LU Telephone +44 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm.ac.uk www.abrsm.org  text,font,document
    Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM PIANO Grade3 Marks 26 (20) 2 30 (20) fer au C 1 aie 30 heat au cler 30 (20) Seales and aadeu voe mlibt han huk Mne Unaccompanied traditional song 21 (14) Sight-reading or Quick study aie. 21 (14) Aural tests 18 (12) ditional comment Maximum (Pass) Pass Merit Distinctior 150 (100) 120 ds the result of an exam held on: 12 May/2017 Examiner code: Eoo8 6661 vociated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in foalond  text,font,line,material,paper



-   大學畢業, 持有演奏文憑LTCL, ATCL with Distinction
-   ABRSM八級樂理
-  超過十年教授鋼琴經驗, 曾於國際音樂機構及大型音樂中心授課
-  現為本港一弦樂團作伴奏工作, 在各大場地均有公開演出, 多年伴奏經驗


 - 著重打好基礎, 包括坐姿,手形 
 - 耐心教學, 因材施教,注重學生音色、演奏技巧
 - 除必學曲目外, 老師會按學生程度, 加入流行或著名古典曲目, 增加學生學習興趣
 - 熟習鋼琴考試體制及要求, 學生於考試大多能取得優異成績, 100%合格率
 - 著重全面的音樂教學, 培養學生對音樂的興趣及認真的態度, 不會只以考試為學琴目標
 - 設獨立教學琴房以助小朋友專心學習, 並歡迎家長觀課
 - 可全英語/普通話授課
 - 上課時間可彈性選擇

招生:學生年齡, 性別不限, 鋼琴初級至演奏級, 1-8級樂理, 各樂器考試/比賽伴奏, Aural Training


FB專頁(內有學生,老師彈奏視頻): https://www.facebook.com/K.PianoStudio/

個人網頁: https://k-pianostudio.wixsite.com/k-pianostudio

歡迎致電/whatsapp查詢: 68985110

email: [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性