1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 音樂課程 - 學琴


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-06-10 刊登者: Cindy Leung
    Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM CHAN CHEUK YIN CHERRY CHONG SAU MUI PIANO Grade 5 Marks 30 120 81 27 30 120 c3 27 Scales and arpeg9 0s r r 1 Quick study 21 114 Aural tests 18112 Total 130 Maximum IPassi 150 100 Additional comments if needed Merit 120 5007 22 / Apr /2016 Examiner code This form records the result of an exam held on : ce 24 Pertiand Place, Lon WLU Telehne 441027456 540Emilm.ac www. 88DB.com  text
    69TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十九屆香港學校音樂節 27/2-29/3/2017 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會主辦 Class項目 : E128-3 Assigned Order出場序27 Graded Piano Solo Grade Eight Member N:007833 Lau Tsz Hin Anson Competitor 參賽者 75-79 mark»分Profi iency良好 Piece(s)曲目 :-Sonata in E, Op 14 No 1·3rd movement Rondo Marks Aoiceon i be on the overall perfomance of the competons,Including 名次 Dr Du Huang The adjudicat r reserves C copynght ofthe comments made bewe concoming the performance ofthe…ethns). Cenificases will be available for collection by members of the Association from May to luly in 2017 Members are respomsible for distributing the centificates to their students 骴舢香港學校& 協會會員於2017年5月至7月期 取·Re會員公19賽92 Rafernce Namber 23995568 88DB.com  text
    THEORY EXAMS ( FEBRUARY 20171 GRADE 5 樂理考試[2017年2月1第五級 C PAPER 2017 ABRSM APPLICANT NO 00741 NAME OF CANDIDATE: CANDIDATE NO WONG CHAI 50902 .: Maximum Mark mark awarded 滿分 得分 15 Question問题 Adding time signature, terms, general question, describing chords and rewriting a chord using the alto clef 加拍子記號,音樂詞彙,常識問題,描述和弦,及用中音譜號重寫和弦 1. 10 2. 10 Rewriting passage for SATB choir from open to short score 將以開列總譜寫成的四聲部合唱樂段用縮編譜重寫 lal Indicating an ornament, sign and chord, rewriting an enharmonic equivalent10 10 as a breve and describing the time signature 標示裝飾音、音樂記號及和弦,用倍全音符重寫異符同音,及描述拍子記號 10 10 10 10 10 10 3.lbl Sign, describing harmonic intervals and giving a time name 音樂記號,描述和聲音程,及寫時值名稱 3.Ic) Instrumental questions 與樂器相關的問題 4. Writing a named scale without a key signature and writing a scale with a named key signature 不用調號寫指定音階,及用指定調號寫株 5. Transposing a passage for horn in F from written to concert Isoundingl pitch 010 將F𧬘11號選段移調,以實際音高重寫旋律 6. Writing a melody for flute or trumpet or to given  text
    88DB.com  piano







有興趣可whatsapp查詢:97260341(Miss Leung)



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