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    68TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十八屆香港學校音樂節 22/2 - 23/3/2016 Prese nted by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 香港學校音奈及朗誦協會主辦 Class項目 :E110-6 Assigned Order出場序20 - Graded Piano Solo - Grade Three Member會員: 00671 1 Certificate Compettor. 參賽者 90-100 marks tr 80-89 marks Honours Merit優良 75.79 marks分 Proficiency良好 Piece(s)曲目 : ~ Cat's Eyes-David Blackwell Marks 分數 titor(s), Including technique Adjudication is based on the overall performance of the compe Interpretation, musicality and artistic appeal. 肸判根據參賽者的整體表現評分,包括:技巧、演繹。晋欒蔋及戚染力 Place 名次 Competitor(s) with less than 80 marks will not be awarded placing.評分 未達80分之 賽者將不獲名次。 . Mrs Dorothy Howden udicator 88DB.com  text
    67TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十七屆香港學校音樂節 2/3- 1/4/2015 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 港學校晋痢及胡調協會호辦 Class : w105-9 Assigned Order出場序38 Graded Piano Solo -Grade Two Member會員: 005840 Competitor 參賽者 so-s9 marks 7 15-29 marks Proficiency aff Piece(s)曲目 --Rustc Dance. August Mulet Marks 分數 Place ance Dr ks Csnificats ," ¡ะเ bg ผ.aslaN4 ป r collection h, members of the "uociaties oom May to 5uly on 2015. Refernence Number: 3065112 4 O 8sbB.com  text
    ONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 六. + 七一屆香港学校--t are Precented by Hong Kong Schools Musie and Speech Asncelie 香港学校音飛節 23-1/4/2015 ssoclation 港學, 쿨得及閉詩協會主辦 E100-7 Assigned Order出場序6 Class項目 - Graded Piano Solo - Grade one Member會員: 130491 Certificate Ka Ki 90-100 mark5 Honours 80-89 marks in 75-79 marks/r Proficiency fl Competitor Merit 賽者 Piece(s)曲目 : ~ Gavotte . Telemann Marks す數 Adjudication is based on the overall performance of the competitoris), including; technique Place interpretation, musicality and artistic appeal. 名次 Competitors) with less than 80 marks will not be awarded placing,秤分未違80分之がだ將不獲 " one hiLe 王素珊博士 評判 88DB.com  text
    67TH HONG KONG SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL 第六十七屆香港學校音樂節 23-1/4/2015 Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 鲁港學梭音当及朗誦 全主辦 lass項目 :E118-2 Assigned Order出場序: 7 - Graded Piano Solo - Grade Five Member會員: 013027 90-100 marks 80-89 mark 75-79 marks ompetitor 賽者 Profiits) iece(s)曲目 :- Christos Tsitsaros Marks 分數 81 Adjudication is based on ซาด 0verall performance of the competitorisl-including technique, Place 名次 »娄@rtt:fr 分.匉燕 镗巧.奝濮 晋壅瓜及.GD;72 e swarded plecing 90ひ Dr Margaret Evans Adjudicator The adjudicator reserves C sopyright of the comments made ahove conceming the perfonnance of the compettons ,,在此項目所獲门的Fiszen嶄判所(der Certificates will he available for collection by members of the Association from May to July in 2015 distributing the certificates to their students are responsible for nttRufi池學校iiWR魛璃協台會員於2015年5片至7月期間% Members 88 , 88DB.com  text
    Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM PIANO Grade 5 Marks 30 120 SI eedalli.B, 오 'nnott eod tonk 1nalik, . Amrun i 28 ,an 30 1201 c 2 30 120) / Scales and arpeggios Mixid ss at Unaccompanied traditional song 21 114) Sight-reading han , but mts Quick study け 21 114) Aural tests et 16 18 1121 Additional comments if needed Total 134 Maximum IPass) 150 1100) leli lairins tordarn Pass Merit Distinction 100 120 130 This form records the result of an exam held on: 24/Sep /2015 Examiner code 4520 40388001 (M41 The Associated Board of the Royel Schools of Music. A company registered with limited liability in England and Wales No 1926395 Charity registered in England & Wales 12921821 &Scottand ISC043343 Registered office 24 Portland Place, London WiB 1LU Telephone +44 10120 7636 5400 Email abrsm@abrsm ac.uk www 88DB.com  text
    Graded music exam Candidate Presented by Subject ABRSM PIANO Grade 6 Marks erA.uo 30 1201 ch. 2G 301201 Shaces 25 unterv 30 1201 Scales and arpeggios a CA companied traditional song or Quick study freed ea eires arved, ex at ms;alt Aural tests 18112 2: Total Additional commentd it needed Maximum IPass) Pass 150 I100 100 120 130 Distinction 11037 This form records the result of an exam held on: 22/Oct 2015 Examiner code N3 88DB.com  text

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電話或whatsapp查詢 : 9835 2743 ( Miss Fong )

