1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 語言課程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-10-10 刊登者: Infiniti Education Studio

Infiniti Education Studio 無限教育工作坊

Launched in the spring of 2009, Infiniti Education Studio (無限教育工作坊) is conveniently located by School District 41, where a majority of Hong Kong’s top banded public schools and prestigious private schools are situated. At Infiniti Education Studio, our goal is to unlock the true, unlimited potential of your children by discovering their interests and fostering their talents in a stimulating and loving environment.

Infiniti Education Studio hosts a fine selection of special interest programs in languages and arts. Our teachers are passionate and our curriculum is innovative. Once your children start learning with us, we truly believe that they will be able to reach for the sky!


小幼苗普通話班 (對象:1.5-2歲)
-適合初次接觸普通話的幼兒 -利用遊戲和兒歌,訓練大肌肉活動

小樹苗普通話班 (對象:2-3歲)
-透過兒歌、童謠、故事、手工、遊戲和有趣的活動 -讓幼兒認識基本的中文字

小太陽普通話會話班 (對象:3-6歲)
-以兒歌童謠、故事遊戲、角色扮演等多種生動活潑的學習形式 -聽說普通話,養成良好的品德和生活習慣

尖子普通話班 (對象:6-12歲)

Tel:     2336-7388
Fax:     2336-7338
Email:   [email protected]
Website: www.iestudio.com.hk

Address: Flat A, 1/F, 264 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性