A newly established production company is looking for an Argentine Tango instructor ro partner with local teacher. Required Qualification: Male Height: between 1.6-1.7m Native Argentinian Hong Kong p
EECEC Productions Ltd.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL OFFER $60試玩"健康 瘦身FUNKY DANCE" *經綱上登記試跳FUNKY DANCE可再減$10 ''YIN FUNKY''                 ''YANG FUNKY''
DDance Planet "健康 瘦身 FUNKY DANCE''

香港展能藝術會展能藝術學院 「創藝自強」計劃導師培訓課程 ( 本計劃由社會福利署個人發展計劃資助 ) 展能舞蹈工作坊 (28 小時 —24 小時上課 + 4 小時實習 ) 喜歡舞蹈的你曾否想過把舞蹈活動引入工作環境之中,讓不同能力人士一起分享舞蹈的樂趣,但 卻 不知如何著手? 此工作坊內容包括不同類型的舞蹈如現代舞、創作舞、即興舞蹈、輪椅舞及形體等的基本知識外,更會主力探討展能舞蹈及

Party Dance Class -“ Easy Latin" It’s party time!!! “Easy Latin” teach you an easy way to learn the most popular party dancing "Rumba & Cha Cha". Come &
Trio Spin Studio

幼兒基礎班 導師:Kinki Kan 簡老師 開課日期:7 January 07 (逢星期日) 時間:11:15 am - 12:00 pm 費用:HK$320.- / 4堂 (詳情請向本舞蹈坊查詢) 兒童拉丁舞表演班 導師:Kennes Yiu 饒老師 開課日期:27 January 07 (逢星期六) 時間:5:00pm - 7:00 pm 費用:HK$788.- / 4堂 (詳情請向本舞蹈

提供各類培訓班 班際時間表 星期 時間 班別 學費 堂數 一 08:00pm - 09:00pm RUMBA基本技巧班 $650 5 一 09:00pm - 10:00pm RUMBA基本技巧班 $650 5 三 02:00pm - 03:00pm Cha Cha 基本技巧班 $650 5 三 08:30pm - 09:30pm Cha Cha 基本技巧班 $650 5 四* 07:00pm -

BFIT STUDIO The perfect venue for your private or group classes! The 450 sq.ft., fully surrounded by mirrors with a great sound system will give your students a great opportunity to practice their da

Week Days - 12:30 to 13:30 . JANUARY* Adult Beginners - Evening - Salsa course - 6 week (1 p/week) - $500* Wed Jan 11th - 8.30-9.30pm We will cover a mix of latin dances including merengue, bachata,

. Classes (Group) Try out session First session $150 Second session FREE (for Hot Yoga ONLY) (to be taken within 7 days of first session) Drop in $200 / session 4 sessions $600 / month * 8 sessions $
AAmico Studio

Royal Academy Dance Exam Class Beginners to professional levels. Ballet classes are taught according to the Royal Academy of Dancing Syllabus, giving the opportunity for students to undertake examina

課程簡介 藉著舞蹈,鍛鍊兒童的毅力和紀律,學習團體合作,培養優美體態,藝術氣質,使有興趣習舞之人士發揮潛能,增加其藝術修養。本團定期舉辦大型舞台表演使學員體驗及了解參與舞台演出之樂趣。 報名須知 * 收費以堂數計算 * 本課程報讀的兒童年齡: 6 歲半至 8 歲。 由於報名人數眾多,名額有限,課程可能隨時滿額,如有興趣,請即時報名或致電查詢。 * 課程如有任何更改,恕不另行通告。 上課地點及時間

SR最新課程資料 如果有意參觀SR Crew的演出,可以在該表演前的三日報名。 報名手續只需要將個人資料(包括姓名,電話,電郵及相片一張)電郵至我們的e-mail。 收費優惠表 如一次報讀多堂,將有特別優惠。 詳情如下: 堂數 價目 平均單堂收費 有效期 1(2 小時 ) $130 一個月 4(2 小時 ) $360 $90 一個月 8(2 小時 ) $640 $80 二個月 16(2 小時 )
SSR Crew

Dance Lessons Every Wednesday at 8:15pm, The Nzingha Lounge erupts into a splendid display of Dance. Dubbed the Nzingha "Mousso Farafina's" or 'African Queens' for the night; ladies from al
NNzingha Lounge

Springtide Ballet School Springtide Ballet School was founded 1st January 2001. Springtide is a name called from the full-length ballet Cinderella - Spring Fairy. Springtide means Lively, Growth and

春天芭蕾舞學校 盛放優美的一刻 兒童芭蕾舞啟蒙班(每星期一堂) 課程內容: 訓練身體與音樂節奏之配合,促使骨骼和肌肉形態平衡發展,發揮學員之創意及潛能,讓學員多聽巴洛克時期音樂,促進腦部發展。 *提供免費試堂 各級芭蕾舞考試班(每星期一至兩堂) 課程內容: 教授英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試課程,由Pre-Primary至Grade 8,除基本舞步外,更輔以團體舞步,音樂節奏訓練,舞劇欣賞及舞蹈創作坊等

佛朗明哥 佛朗明哥舞蹈簡介 FEEL THE PASSION OF SPAIN START DANCING FLAMENCO NOW!!! NEW FLAMENCO COURSE (Beginner to Improver) This course provides you with all the elements to start your Flamenco journey or impro
Trio Spin Studio

NEW BOLLYWOOD DANCE COURSE IN TRIO SPIN STUDIO May be you don't know what is Bollywood Dance. If you have watched a film called "Bride and Prejudice", you must cracy about this dance and li
Trio Spin Studio

Argentine Tango Dance We teach the very rare form of dance called "Argentine Tango" Very few people have seen this orignal form of tango before in Hong Kong. They are not the same "Bal

Infinity Dance Studio (IDS) is a young vibrant company with a fresh approach to entertainment business. Unique in commitment to quality and customer service, we combine imagination and innovation wit
IInfinity Dance Studio
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