1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 持續進修基金

* 職業英語文憑 *


本課程為在工作上需以英語為主要溝通語言,或有意提升英語能力以增強競爭力的人士,提供英語進修課程。所有僱主均十分關注僱員是否具備職位所需的英語能 力,而一些國際認可的商業英語測試正是評定英語水平的有力工具。有見及此,我們開辦這個備試課程,協助學員提升英語水平,使其達至一定標準。
This course aims at assisting individuals who 1) are working in an environment where English is the major medium of communication and those who 2) are keen on enhancing their English standard so as to strengthen their competitiveness.
Effective English communication abilities are highly regarded by employers of different industries. Some internationally-recognized tests for business English serve as a powerful tool for assessing one's English language standard. Therefore, we aim to enhance participants' English proficiency to prepare them for the assessment tests.

Course Contents
    * Personal Identification
    * General business environment and routine
    * Relationship with colleagues, client entertainment
    * Using the telephone
    * Health and safety
    * Buying and selling
    * Company structures and business processes
    * Services
    * Projects
    * Personnel
    * Written communications
    * Current affairs

課程期限Course Duration
The course provides integrated training on English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Through the 90-hour training, the English standard of the participants will be enhanced from elementary level to advanced level. Upon
course completion, students may sit for the BEC exam organized by the University of Cambridge English.

入學要求Admission Requirements
Applicants must have Form 5 standard or above. A placement test would be arranged for those who fail to meet the minimum entry requirements.

評核方法Assessment Approaches
The course assessment is divided into two parts:Coursework assessment: 30% and Examination: 70%

A diploma will be granted to those who have attended 75% and successfully passed the internal exam.

80% of the course fee will be reimbursed on completion of HKSC’s internal examination and BEC examinations.


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