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Creative Courses for Curious Kids 2017 Summer

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Join us at Youth Square for our Summer 2017 Program of Creative Courses for Curious Kids.

Your children will experience the power of creative expression and problem-solving while building their self-confidence and explore their interests, all in a fun and supportive environment.

Charison, the Course Instructor, has a background in art, technology and design as well as experience teaching. She graduated with a BSc Creative Media from CityU and a HD Multimedia Design & Technology from PolyU.



For children ages 5+ | Five sessions for HK $ 800 includes all materials

Discover the basic elements of storytelling Character, Place, Time, Action and Outcome. Use a mind map to create and organize your own story, then learn how to paint it on a storyboard and present it your classmates. 

PS1 Monday & Wednesday 17/7, 19/7, 24/7, 26/7, 31/7 5:30 6:45 PM

PS2 Monday & Wednesday 2/8, 7/8, 9/8, 14/8, 16/8 5:30 6:45 PM



For children ages 6-12 | 5 sessions Pilot course offered for free!

Explore Point, Line, Shape, Space and Time as an artist, a designer and a programmer using free processing software. Learn how to create 2D / 3D digital art, animation and interactive graphics with your laptop computer. 

CC1  Monday & Wednesday  17/7, 19/7, 24/7, 26/7, 31/7 7:00 8:15 PM


Email: [email protected]

Tel: 9449 4667 

Address: Youth Square Interest Group Room # 505 Chai Wan

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