1. 88DB
  2. 教學進修
  3. 繪畫、手工藝

團隊精神訓練工作坊Team Building- 團隊訓練、企業培訓、改善溝通、領導才能、創造積極思維; 體驗式訓練: 捕漁、紮竹筏、野外煮食..白鷺湖互動中心 - 成立逾10年, 為過百間公司提供訓練

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-04-06 刊登者: miss lee
Team Building Workshop

Our Services
團隊精神 Team Building
溝通技巧 Communication
指導與激勵 Coaching & Motivation
領導才能 Leadership
演說技巧 Presentation Skill
創造積極思維 Develop Positive Mindset
提升競爭力 Competitiveness 




Our Organization
Lake Egret Nature Park has been established since 2000. With the aim to introduce a new concept in leisure life and education, the centre has been providing a variety of leisure and educational activities for groups, companies, schools and families. Through our specially designed interactive games and simulations, participants can achieve the greatest learning result in our natural and unique training centre.

Our Facilities
Over 100,000 sq.ft. outdoor activities space, lagoon, woodland
Fully equipped conference activities & training rooms
An uniquely designed European Restaurant
Banquet & Beverages Services to meet your special needs
Free car parking

查詢Enquiry : (852) 2657 6657
傳真Fax : (852) 2657 6605
Email :  [email protected]  
Website:  http://www.taipokau.org


We can tailor-make the training programs according to your requirements

「白鷺湖互動中心」大埔 紅林路2號
Lake Egret Nature Park, No. 2 Hung Lam Drive, Tai Po, N.T. Hong Kong

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聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性