We are Lean Six Sigma Consultant and we provide Professional Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt In-house / Public Training Courses and Project Coaching
SSix Sigma Consultant

with centers throughout China and the region, and an extensive range of teaching programs, online courses and interactive learning tools
NNew Concept Mandarin

SCAD is uniquely qualified to prepare talented students for professional, creative careers
TThe University for Creative Careers

毅達研習中心 地區:紅磡 地址: 九龍紅磡蕪湖街69A號南安商業大廈4樓401室 電話: 2362 9295

亞洲教育有限公司 Education Asia

會計師教授,以實務為主,即學即用,成為獨立會計能手。適合中小企老闆、管理層、現職從業員及有志從事會計業人士 (有意轉行、兼職會計及創業者最佳導師) 。

UNiSOFT IT為全港最具規模的資訊科技培訓機構之一,與Microsoft、Intel、Cisco、Oracle及Novell等世界知名資訊科技企業緊密合作,提供一站式資訊科技專業培訓課程。

關於我們 『俊升控股(香港)有限公司』由黃耀霆先生( Mr.Eric Wong)創立,簡單而系統化的運作,因而運作費用極輕,在善用資源下,面對競爭對手衝擊或社會經濟波動的防守性較強。 公司因應香港之兒童教育市場需求之改變,澳門及中國經濟增長改善而需求增加,以培訓有志投身教育事業之人士,教授及協助其建立個人兒童教育事業;同時,冀望在不同地區之兒童教育中推廣其『營運及教育理念』。 服務 E-mail
MMr. Wong

關於我們 『俊升控股(香港)有限公司』由黃耀霆先生( Mr.Eric Wong)創立,簡單而系統化的運作,因而運作費用極輕,在善用資源下,面對競爭對手衝擊或社會經濟波動的防守性較強。 公司因應香港之兒童教育市場需求之改變,澳門及中國經濟增長改善而需求增加,以培訓有志投身教育事業之人士,教授及協助其建立個人兒童教育事業;同時,冀望在不同地區之兒童教育中推廣其『營運及教育理念』。 服務 E-mail
MMr. Wong

Private English lessons and editing help available from American with over 10 years experience as an editor for a major newspaper. Services include: tutoring in English for business, conversational E
專業洋人編輯助你修改大學schoolwork, project

The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of animation and fundamental 3D animation techniques to participants.

The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of 3D graphics and fundamental 3D modeling techniques to participants.

This course is designed for beginners who will like to use the powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software AutoCAD to transform their creative ideas into actual drawings

The course is designed for experience 2D CAD designer to learn working on drawing 3D objects in AutoCAD.

This course will teach participants how to design Web graphics using Macromedia Fireworks.

This course is specially designed for Web programmers in preparing vector graphics and animation using FLASH.

This course will teach Webmaster show to use MS FrontPage 2000 to produce and manage a web site.

本 課 程 為 有 興 趣 準 備 從 事 設 計 工 作 之 人 士 而 設 , 為 電 腦 設 計 入 門 課 程 。
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