東南亞手作, 非常適合年宵, 由於私人手作關係, 明年一月中只能交貨5,000件, 連運費$5@, 即入貨成本共$25,000. 由於交貨數量所限, 只能售給一店. 本人在東南亞入貨多年, 可免費提供銷售策略, 並敎授當地居民其他簡單而又能自己製作之手作, 減低入貨成本, 但必須購買以上5,000件貨品才會敎授. 如需詳情, 歡迎電郵到 [email protected]

喜愛收集及自製可愛飾物, 手勾公仔, 及一些新奇玩意,希望搵到志同道合,交流交流,本店售賣可愛飾物/精品/公仔為主,歡迎參觀及可代客勾公仔,將心意傳送
RRed Ridding Hood

「 珠花」是一種由無數的珠米,利用不同粗幼的鐵線串起,再透過人手以不同步驟製作而成的精巧手工藝品 。 珠花坊就是以教授「 珠花」技巧為主的工藝教室 。Mandy Chan是導師兼珠花坊 創辦人, 她擅長用最基本步驟,創造出最與別不同的珠花款式。 導師會循序漸進教你由最基本,到最高級的珠花製作技巧。以後過時過節,或有喜慶場合,也可自製不同精緻「珠花」,作自用或送禮之用。 珠花坊更發售不同款式的珠花

金與土雕塑工作室 於1968年成立,前身為「文庭雕塑工作室」, 由香港本土資深雕塑家文庭先生主持,提供雕塑訓練、製作、修復、顧問四項服務。 教學服務 我們是香港唯一一間,傳授正規且全面性立體技術的私人工作室,涵蓋的雕塑項目包括: 金屬類 :窯爐金屬鑄造、直接法(鍛造技巧及焊接)、腐蝕、表面處理(電鑄術及金屬化學着色法) 玻璃 : 冷工(雕刻、腐蝕、鑲嵌、打磨切割拋光)、暖工(熔接、釉彩、水晶鑄造
MMetal And Earth Sculpture Studio

想送99朵、甚至999朵玫瑰給情人? 想為送禮或自用的公仔添新意? 想選擇有創意、獨一無二的禮物給摯愛? 創意實驗小店幫到你! 主站網址: http://www.geocities.com/creative_lab_shop/ email: [email protected] 每朵玫瑰花直徑4cm,花束高度約33cm,每束均附有橡筋方便套於公仔之上。 *由於拍攝時燈光等因素影

Tat Shing is e stablished in 1990, Tat Shing is a company specializing in beaded and charmed products, offering a broad range of related items including: · DIY Bead/Craft Kits · Fashion

We are Hoovercres Construction and Development Corporation. We are a licensed PCAB contractor. DTI, SSS, SEC, BIR registered Corporation. Our services include Asphalt Shingles Roofing Installation, G

We (Ming Hang Co.) are a long established company producing OEM items, lanyards, mobile strap, mobile accessories and gifts, souvenir for promotional and marketing purposes. The Mission of our compan

About Us Sun Ngai Manufactory Ltd, set up in 1989 as Sun Ngai Manufactory and incorporated in 1998, specializes in wooden photo frames, albums and wooden products. Withnearly 20 years' experience, we
SSun Ngai Manufactory Ltd.

About Us We were founded in 1982 in Taipei and after growing expansion we then set up our branch office in HK. With the global focus in china for its vast resources , we again established a complete
LLincall International Corp.

About Us Superfit is a Hong Kong based company and building a network of manufacturers in Mainland China. Our mission is to provide superiority services and products to the customers. Based on the we
SSuperfit Limited

SurfGold Hong Kong Limited提供各款精美禮品 聯絡人 :[email protected] 聯絡電話 :21108106 網址 : http://innogifts.com 1. 2. 圖片一. - 提供不同類型的包裝禮品 圖片二. - 提供各類心意禮品 SurfGold Hong Kong Limited 提供不同類型禮品,歡迎查詢。 詳情可瀏覽本公司網頁
SSurfGold Hong Kong Limited

We (Ming Hang Co.) are a long established company producing OEM items, lanyards, mobile strap, mobile accessories and gifts, souvenir for promotional and marketing purposes. The Mission of our compan
MMing Hang Co.

The website www.gift-a-surprise.com is operated by Blue Ribbon Marketing Co. ,which is aHong Kong based gift company strives for offering stylish and unique gift items with competitive prices, to let
BBlue Ribbon Marketing Co

Glister Art Gifts Company Limited 提供各款精美禮品 提供各類特色禮品。 提供各類新穎禮品。 提供不同類型禮品,歡迎查詢。 聯絡人 :intimex_gift 聯絡郵箱: [email protected] 聯絡電話 :23452699
GGlister Art Gifts Company Limited

Profile Ying Wah Industrial Company, Ming Wai Metal Products (Wholly Owned by Gold City Technology Ltd.) have started business for over 16 years. Since 1990, we have specialized in producing promotio
MMing Wai Metal Products

-100% 自家制 -全用Swarovski 閃石 - 新禮佳品 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 購買須知: 一、購買前請先用EMAIL: [email protected] 聯繫我,以確認您希望知道的資訊。 二、本店之商品只會於地鐵沿線 (荃灣及觀塘線)交收。 三、本店所有商品均需要先付款確認的。 四、凡其他問題(自己不喜歡了、照片上的樣子好
NNail Cube

Ellon Gift Products Ltd was established in 1981 andcontinually be engaged in the business for the development of fancy STATIONERY, GIFT, and BAG items with certain licensed characters in the past suc
EEllon Gift Products Ltd.

Lik Tat (Hong Kong) Industrial Limited 提供各款精美禮品 聯絡人 :[email protected] 聯絡電話 :24078993 網址 : http://liktat.com.hk

Design once, you can send DIY gift to friends in facebook About us www.ComeDaily.com is the meeting of users imagination that enables both individual consumers and commercial vendors to create and pr
CComeDaily DIY World
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