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運成機械提供吸塵機,吸水機,vacuum cleaner等產品

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-04-01 刊登者: 運成機械


運 成公司是1980年在香港成立,專業經銷意大利名牌產品超能系列工商業用吸塵機,吸水機.公司主要立足香港,隨著業務的不斷擴大,逐漸輻射到整個東南亞地 區,並且於95年在深圳特區成立國內公司-運成貿易公司,從而為內地的建設提供最大,最好,最完美的服務及支持!眾多的產品被諸大商家所稱道.


Won Shing Machinery was established in Hong Kong since 1989. We specialize in industrial Dry/Wet vacuum cleaner GHIBLI/SUPREME (Italy) and dust collector ESTA (Germany). Our company is base in Hong Kong but because the enlarging of the business, our products is now available all over South Asia. In year 1995, Won Shing Trading we have started doing business in Shenzhen. This will give our customers in China the best support and services.

Won Shing Machinery have a very wide selection of products for both commercial and personal use. We provide a line of noise reduction products for personal use and small co-operation and businesses. For construction and industrial customers, we provide another line of professional and heavy duty products. They give more power and get the job done faster. Our new line of products GTV (Italy) water filtered vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner and vacuum & steam cleaner is the most efficient both in term of performance and cost in the market.
In conclusion, Won Shing Machinery is the best help you can get at home and at work!"

聯絡電話:(852) 2388-7000 or (852) 2388-9881
傳真電話:(852) 2782-5251
電郵地址:[email protected]

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