1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 室內設計及裝修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-11-15 刊登者: 2plus4designltd 已驗證


我們關心低收入附近,無家可歸的人,我們願意提供內部經濟的解決方案給他們。這就是為什麼我們形成一個創新團隊,看看我們如何能夠改變人們的想法,不只是捐錢給環保相關組織, 而是我們一起去關注和幫助他們。我們知道在每一個建設項目,過多的浪費,無論是從企業或家庭。我們的使命是減少浪費及分享你不需要的廢物,我們還會找尋更多的可回收, 循環再用的材料,以致減少破壞環境。我們需要更多的人去尋找那些並分享知識。

The 2plus4 interior design Ltd was founded in 2014. We are not only focused on design work: the mission is to innovate a concept that we can make use of construction/decoration wastage to contribute to environmental protection and create a better world.
We care about the low-income neighborhood and homeless people, and we are willing to offer an interior economic solution to them. That's why we form an innovation team to see more possibility for how we can change people's mind, not just donate money to environmental protection related organization. We are aware that too much wastage in every construction project, either from enterprise or family. To reduce wastage and share your abandon staff is our mission, where to find more recyclable material and would not damage the environment. We need more people to find those out and share the knowledge.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性
星期一 10:00 - 18:00
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