1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 通渠及水電工程


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-07-03 刊登者: 楊師傅
本 公司成立於2005年,是政府的註冊小型工程辦商,員工均備有多項認可牌照、專業技術及豐富經驗,其中我們的首席師傳楊先生更服務業界超過二十年,事無大 小他都親力親為,為客戶們提供最貼心的服務。我們抱著專業、客觀及負責的精神,以提供全面高質素服務為宗旨。由工程報價到完工交收,我們為客人提供一條龍 式服務,過程均由經驗豐富的工程人員負責及跟進,另設有完善的售後服務,而價錢方面絕對公道相宜,保證令客人稱心滿意。
Hi-tech was founded in 2005. We are the member of registered minor work contractors of HKSAR. Our employees are equipped with a number of approved licenses, professional skills and rich experience; in which our chief engineer Jacky has been serving the public for over twenty years. No matter the nature of any request, Jacky works for his client in person. We aim at providing comprehensive high-quality services according to our professional, objective and responsible spirit. From quotation to project completion, we offer one-stop service followed-up by experienced engineering staff. We also guarantee perfect after-sales service but we ensure our price to be absolutely fair and affordable, and satisfactory.
Various types of renovation works, including:
Welcome to our company, we are pleased to offer quotation for free.
電郵地址 Email: [email protected]
聯絡電話(中文): 62813866 (Jacky 楊師傅)
Phone(English): 67733301 (Anthony)

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