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空手道專門學校訓練課程 Karate Training Programs (2)

Therefore, like the geometric definition of the dot, kihon is characterized by "dimensionless space". Kihon ido then puts the forms learned in kihon into simple patterns of movement. These patterns consist of forward and backward movements in straight lines. In geometric terminology kihon ido is characterized by "line demention". When the student reaches the kata and kumite programs, he performs his footwork in any direction of plane areas. In other words, the instructional process of goju-ryu is a progressive sequence of dimensional expansions - dots to lines to planes.

The following list shows the order of the goju-ryu programs.
1. Group 1: Warm-up Exercise ( 預備運動 )

2. Group 2: Kihon (基本技)
Kihon I, Kihon II, Kihon III, Kihon IV

3. Group 3: Ido (移動 )
Kihon Ido,  Kata Ido, Kumite Ido

4. Group 4:   Kata(形)
Fukyu Kata(普及形)
1) Taikyoku Jodan (I and II) 大極上段
2) Taikyoku Chudan (I and II) 大極中段
3) Taikyoku Gedan 大極下段
4) Taikyoku Kake-Uke (I and II) 大極掛受
5) Taikyoku Mawashi-Uke (I and II) 大極廻受
6) Gekisai (I and II) 撃碎
Kihon Kata(基本形)
1) Sanchin 三戦      2) Tensho 転掌 
Kaishu Kata (開手形)
1) Saifa  碎砍 サイファ
2) Seinchin  制引戰セインチン
3) Sanseiru  三十六手 サンセイルウ
4) Shisochin 四向戰 シソウチン
5) Seisan  十三手 セイサン
6) Seipai  十八手 セイパイ
7) Kururunfa  久留頓破 クルルンファ
8) Suparunpei  一百零八手 スウパアルンペイ

By 空手道專門學校  (pupil) on 2011-07-26  Answers 0   Views 204

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