請詳細描述? when my colleague ask me to lend him HK$300, I did, and he return the money to me two days later, is he my friend ?
By allanyork (graduate) on 2010-05-02 Answers 6 Views 128
By Queenie on 2010-05-06
By Anonymous on 2011-09-25
如果你瘦身一直都是失敗者,身體健康一直欠佳,你可以去這裡看看 http://new-body.9826.biz 大家一起分享纖體、瘦身的成功。想快一點可以睇下d個幫唔幫到你呀!!
By 物業管理 31265111 保安服務31265111 QAS保安課程 代辦保安員証 (graduate) on 2011-06-05
By Anonymous on 2011-05-29
物業管理 31265111 QAS保安課程 31265111
By Anonymous on 2011-01-24
maybe he just want you to think about this question..>>>.(( is he your friend... ?)) is it you scare to lost your friend...
By internlife (pupil) on 2010-05-10
He wants to borrow more money from you next time. Basically he still your friend.