屋企部電腦都五、六年喇,最近用落覺得有d慢,想話加ram令佢快d。我想問有咩牌子的ram比較可靠?聽人講有d ram 會同底板相沖,分分鐘燒埋塊底板,點樣可以預防呢個情況發生?
By hill chan (pupil) on 2010-01-05 Answers 4 Views 181
By 燈野燈二 on 2010-04-25
By GUMP (graduate) on 2010-05-12
Bring the old RAM to buy. Same brand of chips would be better for compaibility. From my experience, Kingston would be better to get along with other brands. If your original one is not large one. (i.e. 256Mb or lower). You can use the new one only to prevent the compatibilty issue. Sometimes, the computer will be slower than before while using new and old RAM at the same time.
By wushukhan (graduate) on 2010-04-30
By iT730 電腦維修公司 (pupil) on 2010-01-19
Kingston 或 Samsung 兼容性好D ( 記得留意自己用緊咩 Ram eg. DDR / DDR2,唔好買錯)