投資中,配股(right issue)即係點解???????????????
By sally chan (小學生) on 2010-02-03 答案 4 觀看次數 944
By Sugar on 2010-04-23
Most of time, right issue is translated as "供股". E.g. HSBC. It is a fund raising exercise. give aright to existing shareholders at a record date to subscribe shares of a company (e.g. one existing share for two rights shares). If not subscribe the rights shares, their shareholding will be diluted.
By 88ddbb (畢業生) on 2010-04-29
供股 (Right Issue) 所謂供股,是指公司發行新增股票給予現有股東認購。股東可以按自己的持股比例去認購股票。例如某公司以二供一方式去供股,即是指原有股東手持每兩股舊股,就可以有權去購買多一股新股。 公司之所以供股集資,通常是為了作新增投資,或者減債。如果公司有充分理由去供股,例如作新投資,而新投資預計可以增加公司盈利,那麼供股未必是一件壞事,因為供股之後,公司的盈利會因新增投資而增加,這會對股價有支持,甚至令股價上升。 不過,一般散戶會把供股看成一種負面的公司行動,因為這要小股東付出額外的投資,但不是所有股東都願意作出更多投資。所以,當公司宣告供股時,現有股 東會收到供股權利,叫做供股權。如果股東不想供股,可以放棄這個權利,或者在市場上把這供股權沽出套現。這種供股權是可以在聯交所中買賣,不過壽命較短, 通常只有一至兩星期。一般情況,公司為了吸引股東供股,會把供股價調低,相對正股價格有些折讓。不過,這又會使股價受壓,再加上這些新股會把公司每股盈利 攤薄,難怪一般散戶都不喜歡供股。
By VaVa (畢業生) on 2010-02-08
A rights issue is a way in which a company can sell new shares in order to raise capital. Shares are offered to existing shareholders in proportion to their current shareholding, respecting their pre-emption rights. The price at which the shares are offered is usually at a discount to the current share price, which gives investors an incentive to buy the new shares — if they do not, the value of their holding is diluted.
By Ming (畢業生) on 2010-02-08