請介紹哪大學在外國讀醫科好? 學費多少? 何時申請?
By tommy chan (pupil) on 2010-01-11 Answers 5 Views 1088
By dom (pupil) on 2010-07-12
英國倫敦大學皇家獸醫學院Royal Veterinary College
該學院為倫敦大學一所直屬學院, 為英國最具規模及歷史最悠久的獸醫學院,提供頂尖的獸醫及動物護理教育,包括不同的本科生及研究生學位課程,涉及範疇包括獸醫、生物科學及動物科學。
BSc(Hons) Bioveterinary Sciences外國學生學費8660英鎊一年
申請deadline為每年1月15日, 申請者需於此前透過ucas提交入學申請, 所有申請將於3月完結前公佈結果
Deadline for submitting your application to UCAS, but do submit it earlier if you can.
If we decide that you are a suitable candidate, you will be invited to the Camden Campus to see our facilities and meet informally
By 燈野燈二 (graduate) on 2010-04-22
英國既學費大約一年£20,000左右(hkd $240,000)deadline 係10月頭多數都要考入學試(eg UKCAT / BMAT)
details can be found here: http://www.ucas.ac.uk
By sandy to (pupil) on 2010-02-24
By jason chan (pupil) on 2010-02-24