本身我是香港永久居民,若我移民美國的話,可否保留香港身份證跟特區護照??? 有人說香港可擁有雙重國籍(睇之前比人鬧的高官有幾個都係咁) ... 有人又話移民美國 那香港身份證就會被取消之類... 那到底可否同時保留兩方既國籍呢???
By candy lau (graduate) on 2010-01-07 Answers 1 Views 245
By james chan (pupil) on 2010-01-07
In answering your questions: Yes - You can keep both (HKID and HKSAR Passport). The main reason is you are a Chinese Citizen (Permanently). Unless you renounce your Chinese Citizenship, you will be a Chinese Citizen in the point of view of HKSAR Government and Chinese Government. It does not matter when did/do/will you get your foreign passports. Read this FAQs from the HKSAR Government. http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/traveldoc/hksarpassport/faqpassport.htm#q7