屋企申請家庭移民多年. 現有回覆. 但我現在係澳洲讀緊大學. 想2年半後畢業去美國讀MASTER 細佬就想趕到出年8月過去升CC. 但係父母都想留係澳門工作. 不想去美國開始新生活. 我知有回美証. 但係我好CONFUSED. 唔係好明. 因為我有朋友家庭都係家庭移民. 一家只有入境一次. 之後就只有我朋友和他家姐在那邊讀書. 就是可行嗎? 請詳細解釋!! 謝謝. !
By wing cheng (畢業生) on 2010-01-07 答案 1 觀看次數 232
By jordon chan (畢業生) on 2010-01-07
一家只有入境一次. 之後就只有我朋友和他家姐在那邊讀書. 就是可行嗎? First, lemme tell you this....... If your parent do not land in US, anyone in your familywill not be able to land in US. As your parent is the principle applicant. Ok,what you said will have a big impact to your residence status. Ifthey granted youentry now, that mean youmust leave at most on next may.If youplan on going back to Australia and doesnot return to US in between, youwill definitely lost your LPR status. Even with re-entry permit. Re-entrypermit only allow a person leave up to 12 months, if over that, itwill of no use to have re-entry permit and better to have a good excuse on the reason.