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Lily's Beauty ~ 灣仔泰國人主理的正宗泰式按摩!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-06-02 刊登者: Princess Nail Massage

Lily's Beauty (http://www.z1z.com.hk/shop/detail/133)於灣仔開業一年多,提供正宗泰式按摩,除所有技師均來自泰國外,她們店裡所使用的按摩用品亦由泰國直接進口。

一步進店內,即會被Lily's Beauty的泰式裝潢所吸引,店員更會熱心地奉上一杯泰式的特色飲品,令你即時感受到泰國人的情熱好客,仿如置身於泰國一樣。

憑著熱誠的待客之道、優質的服務及舒適的泰式裝潢,Lily's Beauty自開業以來,一直深受區內外的外國客人及附近上班一族的歡迎。

要忘記所有煩惱?要舒適的環境盡舒疲勞?要享受正宗泰式按摩?Lily's Beauty是你的必然之選。

憑Z1Z現金卷,新客戶即可享第二節服務6折優惠: http://www.z1z.com.hk/offer/print_coupon/28

Lily's Beauty opened more than a year in Wan Chai, offering authentic Thai massage, in addition all the technicians are from Thailand, and all their massage products are imported from Thailand directly.

Step into the shop, which will be Lily's Beauty attracted Thai decor, the staff will be keen to offer a cup of Thai's specialty drinks, so you can feel the hospitality of the Thai people love heat, the same feel as in Thailand.

With dedicated hospitality, quality service and comfortable Thai decor, Lily's Beauty from the opening has been attracted by foreign guests and nearby office ladies welcome.

To forget all the troubles? Comfortable environment to release fatigue? To enjoy authentic Thai massage? Lily's Beauty is your first choice.

更詳盡的店舖資料,請參考: http://www.z1z.com.hk/shop/detail/133

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