1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 飲食營養

Terreform Plus has been serving a growing number of health-conscious

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-18 刊登者: Terreform Plus Club

Terreform Plus Club

Since 2002. Terreform Plus has been serving a growing number of health-conscious pregnant mothers through a systematic medical diagnostic system built upon the combined intelligence of vaiious Chinese medicine practitioners. Dluing the past 9 years of dedicated experience in this field, We have managed to fulfill Vaiious needs of thousands of clianning ladies in their pre-natal and/0r post-natal peiiods,as well as to successfully fine-tune individual physical and health conditions of the needed.

We are renowned for clesigmig, prepamlg and delivering tailor-made food menu and cooked food for pre-natal and post-natal women, based upon their food preferences a11d most importantly, their varying health conditions. With our experienced chefs starting to prepare food from 2am in the morning and our reliable courier fleet delivering well-packed meal at 9am,our clients are asslued of absolute convenience and freshest possible meal in their most needed rejuvenation period.

Tel:3580 8160       
Email :[email protected]
Website :http://www.tfp.hk/

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