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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-12 刊登者: 单眼皮


服务:中、泰按摩,艾灸,针灸,刮痧,拔火罐,放血疗法,各种的腰酸骨痛,失眠,网球肘,男性阳痿,肩周炎,深层护肤,磨砂,香薰推油,淋巴排毒,减肥,肾功能保养(男女适合)卵巢保养(针对女士)以上的服务,双钟220元,90分钟,欢迎查询,适合各界人士,谢绝色情,可预约上门,价格另计,有兴趣者,请联络 TEL:65406821 MSN:[email protected]

                                                                                                                                Massage come from old heal diseases method, can let us stiff muscles, fatigue body to relax, make our whole body energy reappear, body function improved, enhancing, can give you perfect enjoyment and service, teacher from massage of the township - nanchang, graduated from normal institute, experience, gimmick downy

Service: medium, Thai massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, scrapping, cupping,, and all kinds of bloodletting therapy waist sour bone pain, insomnia, tennis elbow, male impotence, scapulohumeral periarthritis, deep skin, sanding, aroma pushes the oil, lymph drainage, lose weight, kidney maintenance (men and women) ovarian maintenance (for more service for lady), double bell 220 yuan, 90 minutes, welcome to inquiry, suitable to all circles that decline porn, booking door, the price is another plan, are interested, please contact TEL: 65406821 MSN: [email protected] 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性