1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 身體檢查


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-11-08 刊登者: peter

每個細胞皆是一名歌唱者,人體每根骨頭、器官各自以特定音律發出和諧的音樂;若某器官的“嗓子”出問題,以致音律有所偏差,整個身體將受影響而導致生病。3D-MRA無遺是最好的身體調音器,“耹聽”身體每個細胞,發現身體潛在的病“音”。 現有診斷方式如抽血、照胃、照X光等侵入性健檢,不但具副作用,還會讓人產生高度焦慮。如今你無需痛苦地呻吟、不必擔心副作用。只需30分鐘!“3D-MRA核磁共振細胞能量比對健康評量系統”就能簡單又有效地掌握我們的身體狀況、病情走勢、健康走向。 剖析人體之“音”:當太空人在身處外太空時,地面控管人員是可以透過“音”來得知他的健康狀況是如何的。神奇嗎?不用驚歎!今日,前蘇聯政府曾以它作為太空人身處太空時,身體功能檢測的儀器,已被科學家把它普及到一般民眾的皆有機會享受的健康檢查,讓一般人也可以享受這項尖端科技,隨時掌握自己的健康狀況。 3D-MRA”是融合光譜共振分析、量子共振分析及音頻共振分析的核磁共振細胞能量比對健康評量系統。此系統乃是以諾貝爾獎“核磁共振”的Ô­理論為基礎所研發出來的。 人體是一個能量場,人體細胞在運作時會產生出頻譜,既有肉眼看不見的光譜、耳朵聽不到的聲譜;除了心臟的跳動聲,心泵把血液輸遞至各個器官,各器官也會發出不同聲音。 體檢者只需戴上似耳機的特殊傳送器,即能以腦部神經樹幹構造的電磁震動分析作為基礎,那裏含有關於整個身體的完整資訊。資訊經由我們放在頭上投射腦部樹幹結構診察的特殊傳送器讀取,就能擷取身體健康資訊。而籍著所採集身體所發出的聲譜、光譜及量子波動頻率,即可評量及檢測身體健康狀況、病源、病情趨勢;如此就能減低被病魔攻擊的機會,達到預防勝於治療的效果。 與傳統的診斷方式相比,3D-MRA擁有以下獨樹一格的功能:·1.3D-MRA”並非侵入性、及不會有任何不適感。·2. 非電壓電流刺激,不接觸肌膚,免打顯影劑、無任何幅射線傷害、免脫衣褲、免等待、免禁食,絕無任何副作用。·3.  只需要30分鐘即可完成全身16種主要3D模擬斷層掃瞄檢測,可快速分析不同器官,評估健康狀況與器官功能。  ·*可檢測包含人體12個系統的細胞組織變化,可比對掃描相關範圍多達12,000項。 ·*以光速完成10萬個器官組織掃描點。 ·*全世界唯一融合光譜共振分析、量子共振分析、音頻共振分析 ·*評估預防不健康情形所需採取之方法,矯正不平衡狀態。·*測試不同食品影響身體之情形。·聯絡電話:886-945503888 
3D MRA to find out VOICE OF THE BODY
Each cell is a singer, each human bones, organs of their specific music issued harmonious music; if a particular organ's "voice" problem, which is biased temperament, the whole body will be affected and lead to illness. 3D-MRA of the body exposed is the best tuner, "hearing to listen to" the body of each cell and found the body of potential disease "sound." Existing diagnostic methods such as blood, according to the stomach, according to X-ray and other invasive health check, not only have side effects, but also create a high degree of anxiety. Now you do not groan in anguish, not have to worry about side effects. Just 30 minutes! "3D-MRA NMR cell energy than on the health assessment system" can be easy and effective grasp of our physical condition, disease trends, healthy direction. Analysis of the human body's "sound" :
When the astronauts in outer space at the ground control staff can be done through "sound" to know his state of health is how. Magic? Not amazing! Today, the former Soviet Union, the Government has it as an astronaut in space, the physical function test instruments, the scientists put it has been spread to the general public have a chance to enjoy the health checks, to enable ordinary people can also enjoy this cutting-edge technology, at any time masters of our own health.
 The human body is an energy field, the operation of human cells will produce the spectrum in both the naked eye can not see the spectrum, the ear can not hear the sound spectrum; Beat sound except the heart, the heart pumps blood transfusion delivery to various organs, the organ would issue the different voices. Physical examination are only required to wear a special headset transmitter seems, that is, to the brain nerve trunks tectonic electromagnetic vibration analysis as a foundation, where the whole body contains about the integrity of information. Information through our head projection on the brain structure of the diagnosis tree trunks special transmitter read, will be able to retrieve health information. And collected the body and by the sound emitted by spectroscopy, spectroscopy and quantum fluctuations in the frequency of assessment and testing can be physical health, their sources, disease trends; so we can reduce the chances of attack by the disease, to the effect of prevention is better than cure . With traditional diagnostic methods, 3D-MRA has the following unique features:
1. "3D-MRA" is not invasive, and will not have any discomfort.
2. Non-voltage electrical stimulation, no contact with the skin,
   reagent-free play, without any radiation line injury-free off underwear.,  wait for free, non-fasting, with no side effects. • 3. Only 30 minutes required to complete 16 kinds of major systemic 3D Analog tomography detection, rapid analysis of different organs to assess the health status and organ function. * Can detect the human body contains 12 system tissue changes related to the scope comparable to scan up to 12,000 items. * the speed of light to complete 100,000 scan points organs. * Unique fusion all over the world resonance spectroscopy analysis of quantum resonance analysis, audio analysis of the resonance. * the prevention of an unhealthy situation assessment methods need to be taken to rectify the imbalance status. * test different physical circumstances of the influence of drugs. For different test objects, it is recommended a different medication. * Measurement of treatment and / or drug effects. Contact us: 886-945503888

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