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  2. 設計
  3. 網頁設計

用戶為中心的設計, 提供網站與移動電話設計

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-12-29 刊登者: Bottlewei

我們擁有 10年以上網站開發經驗和用戶調查研究。為配合不斷發展變化的互聯網世界,我們的服務已不再局限於內容戰略和信息架構諮詢,我們也已擴大到移動電話應用,搜索引擎優化,社會化媒體營銷。我們將應用用戶為中心的設計方法,它是所有應用的基礎和平台,來幫助你建立一個成功的網上商業模式。




We have over 10 years experiences in developing websites and user research studies. In line with the evolving changes in the Internet world, our services are no longer limited to content strategy and information architecture consulting, we also have expanded to mobile phone applications, search engine optimization, social media marketing. We would apply user centric design methodology, which is the basis of all applications and platform, to help you build a successful online business model.

Let's talk and we may find synergy and develop collaboration relationship, we can be partner in many ways. Make the first step, we can offer solutions and consultation in no time!

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