n year 2006, three friends, who have known each other since good old university days, have decided to come together to fulfill their dream - a dream of owning their own space and freedom to explore their architectural creativity, finding opportunities where they can demonstrate their design capabilities and sharp business sense, and achieving satisfaction doing the one thing they love most. This is the belief of Alicia Tan, Leo Chan and Geoff Poon, and this is the driving force behind Urban Anchor Studio.
Urban Anchor is an architectural and interior design firm founded by the three passionate entrepreneurs who specialized in Architecture, 'Interior design', Surveying and Real Estate Management respectively. Before the establishment of Urban Anchor, the three young designers took pride in training at the London Architectural Association and University of London, and working with the best of the best in the industry, with reputable firms such as Fosters and Partners '(UK)', Integrated Design Associates '(HK)', Rocco Design '(HK)', Allford Hall Monaghan Morris '(UK)','Berkeley Homes (UK)' and Sino Land '(HK)', to name a few.
Leveraging 'on' the unique characteristics and style of the founders, their motivation, business vitality and impeccable project management skills to maximize customer satisfaction, Urban Anchor has become a prolific design firm, accumulating vast clientele for projects ranging from offices, clinics, residential, serviced apartments and retail shops. Establishing a name for itself within a short period of time, they are renowned for their contemporary, tasteful flair with a twist of quirkiness. Work can |t be too serious all the time V Urban Anchor always strives to bring a little smile in life in places least expected .....