1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 電腦動畫

卡通人物設計師Gary Lo

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Plasticapt Creations Limited
Honey B, my first daughter in my life, was born in September 2003. She represents dreams and childlike innocence when we were kids. Nonetheless, as we grow older, the stress from work and complicated interpersonal relationship causes us to forget the child within us. Little by little, Honey B leaves our mind and returns to her hometown - Honey B Town. Maybe one day you will retrieve your missing Honey B in this small town.

Garythinking is the inventor of "Honey B". After finishing the programs on graphic and advertising. Gary has been engaged in advertisement and exhibition design. He is found of creating unusual and beautiful things in different manifestation. Toys business is a great platform for him to realize his dream. Recently, he finished a 3D animation course in HKPC. He believes every good character should have its own background story.

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Tsuen Wan, N.T., HK.

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