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Microsoft 精要課程, 全力教授 MS Excel, Exchanger 等 Advance 級軟件

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: johnson

01.Exchanger Server 2007, Configuration Course (by
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist)

We Free to you:

  1. Microsoft Certified Exam Voucher (70-236)
  2. Microsoft Official Courseware ($1,400)
  3. MeasureUp Card for MCP Exam Simulation
    practise - 30 days ($538)

Total Save up – HK$2,563

Training including:

  1. Microsoft Official Courseware x 2
  2. Hands-on Machine with Lab practice
  3. Course instructed by Microsoft Certified Instructors
  4. Free Trial version of server CD kit/software
    (Practice at home)
  5. Microsoft Official Course Completion Certificate
02.Using Excel Functions Effectively

Course Outline

1. Information Function

  • The main usage of information function is to extract information from cell. For example the format of cell and the file name of the link documents.
  • Moreover, information function include IS(), which is a function for viewing the status of data. For example whether it is blank; whether it is number or whether it is written words, there will be feedback of ‘True' or ‘False' value.
2. Database Function
  • To organize information by Excel, most of the time we have to use database. When we need to calculate result within database by using custom criteria, Database Function can bring into full play.

  • For example, if you would like to calculate the sum and average of exports in America at the third season, or if you want to calculate the accumulated number of clients in five years from your customer database, the Database Function is critically useful at this moment.

3. Text Function

  • The main usage of Text Function is to extract words from cell, which means completing word process. For example, extracting part of the words from cell, merging two groups of word or above or handling search of words and replacement etc.

4. Lookup and Reference Function
  • It is always hard to find the information you need in database, but if you are familiar with the usage of Lookup and Reference Function, this could absolutely raise your efficiency.

  • HLookup and Vlookup are the most popular examples of Lookup and Reference Function.
5. Statistical Function
  • Statistical Function is best to handle data analysis, the statistic area include probability, variance and seek for average value etc.

  • For example a company has to execute quality control management of products, it request staffs to calculate how well the products are. Statistical Functional can manage to handle such a case easily.

6. Financial Function
  • In the application of Financial Function, most of the functions were used to calculate investment interest, depreciation amount and investment returns etc. For those users who work in company that need to prepare financial report frequently are absolutely useful.
7. Other Functions
  • Apart from the functions we mentioned above, instructor will deliver other kinds of functions in details to perfect our course. For example, Math and Trig Function, Date & Time Function and Logical Function.

03.Mastering Excel Pivot Table

The prerequisite of the course is a basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

Limited Time Special Offer: $388

Original Price: $900

Course TitleDurationFeeOutline/Schedules/Enrol
Mastering Excel Pivot Tables (Special Promotion)6 hours$388Outline Schedules/Enrol

Course Outline:

* Pivot Table Fundamentals
* Creating a Basic Pivot Table
* Customizing Fields in a pivot Table
* Formatting Your Pivot Table Report
* Controlling the Way You View Your Pivot Data
* Performing Calculations within Your Pivot Tables
* Creating and Using Pivot Charts
* Using Disparate Data Sources for Your Pivot Table
* Using External Data Sources for Your Pivot Table
* Leveraging the Power of OLAP Cubes

04. Windows Server 2008

課 程 名 稱
First Look: Getting Started with Server Management
in Windows Server 2008
First Look: Getting Started with Branch Office Management
in Windows Server 2008
First Look: Getting Started with Security and Policy Control
in Windows Server 2008
First Look: Getting Started with Centralized Application Access
in Windows Server 2008
First Look: Getting Started with Web and Applications Platform Technologies
in Windows Server 2008

- 每 個 課 程 為 3 小 時 ( 理 論 及 實 習 )
- 課 程 採 用 Level-6 Server 級 電 腦 作 實 習 (Intel Core 2 Duo, 64-bit CPU, 4GB RAM)
- 所 有 課 程 均 為 微 軟 指 定 課 程 , 由 微 軟 認 可 導 師 教 導 (Microsoft Certified Trainer)
- 採 用 正 規 教 材 (Microsoft Official Courseware) 及 附 有 原 裝 電 腦 LAB 實 習 , 一 人 一 機

每 個 課 程 體 驗 價 $388 (原價$980)

同 時 報 讀 其 他 WS2K8 課 程 , 可 額 外 享 有 折 扣 優 惠 ( 報 讀 兩 科 可 享 5 % 折 扣 , 三 科 可 享 10 % , 如 此 類 推 ) 凡 參 加 兩 個 課 程 或 以 上 ,
即 送 價 值 $540 之 認 證 模 擬 考 試 卡 MeasureUp Card
正 版 Windows Server 2008 Stardard 32-Bit Beta 3 Kit 軟 件 DVD 一 套
* 名 額 有 限 , 送 完 即 止

For further details, please contact 3605 3322

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性