1. 88DB
  2. 汽車及電單車
  3. 汽車保險

Speedinsure.com 讓您隨時隨地網上即時投保各類汽車保險, 並可享高達30%的折扣優惠。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-12-03 刊登者: Speedinsure.com

speedinsure 的宗旨是讓消費者掌握在選購保險服上的主動權,我們提供不同保險服務渠道的充份資訊和選擇,使消費者可以最方便的形式,輕鬆自如地選購所需的保險服務。speedinsure為客戶提供即時選擇、物有所值的服務,和即時承包的多種人壽、汽車、旅遊、商業、僱傭、辦公室、家居、個人保險、各類意外傷亡保險、各類綜合保險及一般保險。

speedinsure 的全資附屬公司Cyber Insurance Brokers Limited,為一家香港的保險經紀,香港專業保險經紀協會(PIBA)的註冊會員,並與多家大型國際保險公司,確立合作夥伴關係,其中包括昆 士蘭聯保保險有限公司、聯邦保險、美亞保險有限公司、美國運通保險亞洲有限公司、中銀集團人壽保險有限公司、皇家太陽聯合保險、利寶國際保險。

speedinsure 為香港主板上市e-KONG集團有限公司(聯交所上市代號 : 524)成員機構及全資附屬公司。

The aim of speedinsure is to give control back to you when choosing your insurance services. We offer an alternative channel that provides sufficient information and choices that enable you to purchase insurance services at your convenience. speedinsure is committed to provide you with instant choices, value for money and instant cover for a wide range of life and general insurances.

speedinsure's wholly-owned subsidiary Cyber Insurance Brokers Limited, a Hong Kong based insurance broker registered with the Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Hong Kong (PIBA), has established strategic partnerships with many leading international insurance companies. These include QBE, Hong Kong & Shanghai Insurance, Federal Insurance, AIU, Chubb, BOC Group Life Assurance, MassMutual Asia, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance and Liberty International Insurance.

speedinsure Ltd. is a member of e-Kong Group Limited (HKSE: 524), a company listed on the main-board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Please visit www.speedinsure.com for  more information.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性